Volume 11 (2016)
Regular Issue Special Issue 1 Special Issue 2
Review Articles
Review Articles
Pushing Particles with Waves: Current Drive and α-ChannelingPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2101010 (2016) <Published on 4 Mar. 2016>
Rapid Communications
Rapid Communications
Improvement of the Reynolds Stress Probe for End-Plate Biasing Experiments in a Cylindrical Laboratory PlasmaPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1201091 (2016) <Published on 10 June 2016>
Rapid Communications
RF Central Solenoid Operation for Plasma Production and Current Drive in TST-2Plasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1202004 (2016) <Published on 10 Feb. 2016>
Rapid Communications
Strong Reduction of Ion Flux to a Target Plate in a Magnetically Contracting Detached PlasmaPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1202005 (2016) <Published on 10 Feb. 2016>
Rapid Communications
Flux of Parallel Flow Momentum by Parallel Shear Flow Driven InstabilityPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1203018 (2016) <Published on 17 Mar. 2016>
Rapid Communications
Non-Ideal Ballooning Mode Instability with Real Electron InertiaPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1203122 (2016) <Published on 9 Dec. 2016>
Rapid Communications
Development of New Concept In-Vessel Cryo-Sorption Pump for LHD Closed Helical DivertorPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1205030 (2016) <Published on 17 Mar. 2016>
Rapid Communications
Comparative Measurements of Ion and Electron Beams from Laser Ablation PlasmaPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1206107 (2016) <Published on 16 Sep. 2016>
Rapid Communications
In Situ TEM Observation of Helium Bubbles Collapsing on Nanostructured Tungsten during AnnealingPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1206125 (2016) <Published on 26 Dec. 2016>
Energy Flux due to Electromagnetic Fluctuations during Guide Field Magnetic ReconnectionPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1301087 (2016) <Published on 16 June 2016>
Application of Tomographic Ion Doppler Spectroscopy to Merging Plasma Startup in the MAST Spherical TokamakPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1302093 (2016) <Published on 10 June 2016>
High-Accuracy Numerical Integration of Charged Particle Motion — with Application to Ponderomotive ForcePlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1303003 (2016) <Published on 10 Feb. 2016>
Long-Term Monitoring of Tritium Concentration in Environmental Water Samples Collected at Tono Area, JapanPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1305032 (2016) <Published on 17 Mar. 2016>
Regular Articles
Regular Articles
Decoupling of Electron and Ion Dynamics in Driven Magnetic Reconnection in Collisionless PlasmasPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1401081 (2016) <Published on 10 June 2016>
Regular Articles
Experiment and Numerical Simulation of Peculiarities in the Development of Helium DC Discharge in Reflex GeometryPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1401116 (2016) <Published on 31 Oct. 2016>
Regular Articles
Effect of Electrode Material to Current-Voltage Characteristics of a Gerdien CondenserPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1401121 (2016) <Published on 9 Dec. 2016>
Regular Articles
Characteristics of Plasma Current Start-Up by Transient Coaxial Helicity Injection on HISTPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1402001 (2016) <Published on 10 Feb. 2016>
Regular Articles
A Calibration of Setting of Mach Probes by Observing GAM OscillationsPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1402002 (2016) <Published on 10 Feb. 2016>
Regular Articles
Measurement of Spatiotemporal Structures of Density Fluctuations Using Two-Directional Beam Emission Spectroscopy in LHDPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1402115 (2016) <Published on 5 Oct. 2016>
Regular Articles
Neutron Transport Analysis of the Processes Affecting the in situ Calibration of ITER In-Vessel Neutron Flux Monitors Equipped with a Micro-Fission Chamber SystemPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1402118 (2016) <Published on 31 Oct. 2016>
Regular Articles
Distortion of Fast α-Particle Two-Dimensional Velocity Distribution Function due to the Transition of Particle Orbit by Nuclear Elastic Scattering in Magnetic Field ConfinementPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1403067 (2016) <Published on 10 June 2016>
Regular Articles [paper from 15th International Workshop on Plasma Edge Theory in Fusion Devices]
Presentation of the New SOLPS-ITER Code Package for Tokamak Plasma Edge ModellingPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1403102 (2016) <Published on 19 August 2016>
Regular Articles [paper from 15th International Workshop on Plasma Edge Theory in Fusion Devices]
SOLPS-ITER Modeling of the Alcator C-Mod Divertor PlasmaPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1403103 (2016) <Published on 19 August 2016>
Regular Articles [paper from 15th International Workshop on Plasma Edge Theory in Fusion Devices]
Kinetic Modelling of Divertor Fluxes during ELMs in ITER and Effect of In/Out Divertor Plasma AsymmetriesPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1403104 (2016) <Published on 19 August 2016>
Regular Articles
Knock-on Tail Formation Due to Nuclear Elastic Scattering and Its Observation Method Using γ-Ray-Generating 6Li+d Reaction in Tokamak Deuterium PlasmasPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1403105 (2016) <Published on 16 Sep. 2016>
Regular Articles
Beam Dynamics Analysis of Heavy Ion Injection into the KEK Digital AcceleratorPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1404092 (2016) <Published on 30 June 2016>
Regular Articles
Two-Dimensional Simulation of a Plume Produced by Ablation in the Liquid Wall Chamber of KOYO-FastPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1405084 (2016) <Published on 10 June 2016>
Regular Articles
Free-Surface Characteristics of a Liquid Li Wall JetPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1405117 (2016) <Published on 31 Oct. 2016>
Regular Articles
An Attempt to Produce Electrical Discharges in Acoustic Cavitation BubblesPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 1406113 (2016) <Published on 5 Oct. 2016>
Regular Articles
Study on Operating Principle of Cockcroft-Walton Circuit to Produce Plasmas Using High-Voltage DischargePlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2401008 (2016) <Published on 24 Feb. 2016>
Regular Articles
Self-Organization and Heating by Inward Diffusion in Magnetospheric PlasmasPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2401009 (2016) <Published on 24 Feb. 2016>
Regular Articles
Evaluation of Dark Current Profile for Prediction of Voltage Holding Capability on Multi-Aperture Multi-Grid Accelerator for ITERPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2401014 (2016) <Published on 4 Mar. 2016>
Regular Articles
Characterization of Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas by a Gerdien CondenserPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2401015 (2016) <Published on 4 Mar. 2016>
Regular Articles
Simulation of Contactless Crack Detection in HTS Films: Application of H-Matrix Method to Fast Matrix-Vector MultiplicationPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2401043 (2016) <Published on 15 Apr. 2016>
Regular Articles
Reduction Rate of the MHD Potential Energy by a Toroidal Plasma Current Drive during Tokamak Plasma Formation with DCCSPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2401048 (2016) <Published on 17 May 2016>
Regular Articles
Experimental Study of Hall Effect on a Formation Process of an FRC by Counter-Helicity Spheromak Merging in TS-4Plasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2401052 (2016) <Published on 26 May 2016>
Regular Articles
Performance Improvement of Extended Boundary Node Method for Solving Elliptic Boundary-Value ProblemsPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2401062 (2016) <Published on 17 May 2016>
Regular Articles
Characteristics of Magnetic Fluctuations during Magnetic Reconnection in Counter-Helicity Spheromak Merging ExperimentPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2401069 (2016) <Published on 17 May 2016>
Regular Articles
Formation Mechanism of a Periodic Nanograting Structure by a Surface Plasma WavePlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2401071 (2016) <Published on 13 July 2016>
Regular Articles
Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulation of Self-Assembly in a Bolaamphiphilic SolutionPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2401073 (2016) <Published on 10 June 2016>
Regular Articles
Tungsten-Surface-Structure Dependence of Sputtering Yield for a Noble GasPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2401080 (2016) <Published on 10 June 2016>
Regular Articles
Multi-Scale Simulations of Magnetic Reconnection Using Particle-in-Cell and Magnetohydrodynamics with Adaptive Mesh Refinement TechniquePlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2401096 (2016) <Published on 30 June 2016>
Regular Articles
Numerical Study of Spectral Line Shapes in High-Density He PlasmasPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2401124 (2016) <Published on 9 Dec. 2016>
Regular Articles
Optimization of Incident EC Wave Polarization in Real-Time Polarization Scan Experiments on LHDPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2402016 (2016) <Published on 4 Mar. 2016>
Regular Articles
Estimation of Partial Carbon Radiation at Each Ionization Stage of C2+ to C5+ Ions in Large Helical DevicePlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2402019 (2016) <Published on 4 Mar. 2016>
Regular Articles
Doppler Reflectometer System for Measuring Rotation Velocity of Fluctuation in GAMMA 10Plasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2402022 (2016) <Published on 17 Mar. 2016>
Regular Articles
Anisotropy in Broad Component of Hα Line in the Magnetospheric Device RT-1Plasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2402024 (2016) <Published on 17 Mar. 2016>
Regular Articles
Improvement in Flexibility of ECCD by Upgraded ECH Antenna System on LHDPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2402036 (2016) <Published on 15 Apr. 2016>
Regular Articles
Study of Heat and Particle Flux in the Case of Gas Injection in the D-Module of GAMMA 10/PDXPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2402042 (2016) <Published on 22 Apr. 2016>
Regular Articles
Studies of AM He Atomic Magnetometer for Fusion PlasmasPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2402046 (2016) <Published on 15 Apr. 2016>
Regular Articles
Direct Observation of Electron Heating by Electron Landau Damping of Alfvén Ion Cyclotron Waves Using Thomson Scattering System in the Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10/PDXPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2402051 (2016) <Published on 17 May 2016>
Regular Articles
Effect of Laval Nozzle in the GAMMA 10 SMBI ExperimentsPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2402053 (2016) <Published on 22 Apr. 2016>
Regular Articles
Increase in Ion Temperature by Slow Wave Heating in Magnetosphere Plasma Device RT-1Plasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2402054 (2016) <Published on 17 May 2016>
Regular Articles
Observation of Termination Process of Long Pulse Plasma Discharges Using Stereoscopic Fast Framing Cameras in the Large Helical DevicePlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2402056 (2016) <Published on 15 Apr. 2016>
Regular Articles
Helium Volumetric Recombining Plasma Formation for Energetic Ion Injection in Radio-Frequency Plasma Device DT-ALPHAPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2402059 (2016) <Published on 10 June 2016>
Regular Articles
Validation of the Digital Correlation ECE Measurement Technique using Low-Frequency Fluctuation in LHDPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2402072 (2016) <Published on 10 June 2016>
Regular Articles
Measurement of Tokamak Plasma with the External Helical Field Using a High-Speed Camera in TOKASTAR-2Plasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2402074 (2016) <Published on 17 May 2016>
Regular Articles
Development of Electron Bernstein Emission Diagnostic for Heliotron JPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2402095 (2016) <Published on 30 June 2016>
Regular Articles
Generation of Energetic Electrons during Spherical Tokamak Merging in UTSTPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2402100 (2016) <Published on 15 July 2016>
Regular Articles
Preliminary Design of Imaging Bolometer Fields of View for Wendelstein7-XPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2402101 (2016) <Published on 25 Nov. 2016>
Regular Articles
Comparison of Ion Internal Transport Barrier Formation between Hydrogen and Helium Dominated PlasmasPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2402106(2016) <Published on 16 Sep. 2016>
Regular Articles
Development of Magnetic Flux Surface Measurement Method on TOKASTAR-2Plasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2402110 (2016) <Published on 16 Sep. 2016>
Regular Articles
Observation of Electron Density Fluctuations by Using the O-Mode Microwave Imaging Reflectometry (O-MIR) in LHDPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2402111 (2016) <Published on 16 Sep. 2016>
Regular Articles
The Full-Size Source and Injector Prototypes for ITER Neutral BeamsPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2402119 (2016) <Published on 25 Nov. 2016>
Regular Articles
Development of 2D Potential Profile Measurements Using the Heavy Ion Beam Probe on the Large Helical DevicePlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2402123 (2016) <Published on 9 Dec. 2016>
Regular Articles
Saturation Mechanism of Decaying Ion Temperature Gradient Driven Turbulence with Kinetic ElectronsPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2403006 (2016) <Published on 24 Feb. 2016>
Regular Articles
Benchmark of Electromagnetic Gyrokinetic Codes in High Performance Fusion PlasmaPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2403011 (2016) <Published on 24 Feb. 2016>
Regular Articles
Fokker-Planck Simulation Study of Hot-Tail Effect on Runaway Electron Generation in ITER DisruptionsPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2403023 (2016) <Published on 17 Mar. 2016>
Regular Articles
Three-Dimensional Numerical Analysis of Shear Flow Effects on MHD Stability in LHD PlasmasPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2403035 (2016) <Published on 15 Apr. 2016>
Regular Articles
Observation of the Strong Temperature Gradient in Detached Plasma by PIC Simulation with Monte Carlo CollisionPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2403040 (2016) <Published on 15 Apr. 2016>
Regular Articles
Neutron Incident Angle and Energy Distribution at Vacuum Vessel for Beam-Injected Deuterium Plasmas in the Large Helical DevicePlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2403049 (2016) <Published on 15 Apr. 2016>
Regular Articles
Investigation of Ideal-MHD Stable Scenario for Plasma Current Ramp-Up with No Magnetic Flux Consumption in JT-60SAPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2403068 (2016) <Published on 17 May 2016>
Regular Articles
Kinetic Full Wave Analysis of Electron Cyclotron Wave Mode Conversion in Tokamak PlasmasPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2403070 (2016) <Published on 17 May 2016>
Regular Articles
Particle Pinch Model of Passing/Trapped High-Z Impurity with Centrifugal Force EffectPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2403082 (2016) <Published on 10 June 2016>
Regular Articles
NBI Beam Ion Distributions in the Presence of Magnetic Islands in Helical PlasmasPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2403094 (2016) <Published on 30 June 2016>
Regular Articles
Influences of Hall Effect on the Magnetohydrodynamic Behavior of Two Axially Colliding Field-Reversed ConfigurationsPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2403097 (2016) <Published on 30 June 2016>
Regular Articles
Comparison between Full Wave and Ray-Tracing Calculations to Examine Scenarios for Electron Bernstein Wave Heating in LHDPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2403098 (2016) <Published on 13 July 2016>
Regular Articles
Estimations of Beam-Beam Fusion Reaction Rates in the Deuterium Plasma Experiment on LHDPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2403109 (2016) <Published on 16 Sep. 2016>
Regular Articles
Correlation of Microstructural Evolution in V-4Cr-4Ti by Heavy Ion and Neutron IrradiationsPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405007 (2016) <Published on 24 Feb. 2016>
Regular Articles
Studies on the Axial Position of the Decelerator in Traveling Wave Direct Energy ConverterPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405013 (2016) <Published on 4 Mar. 2016>
Regular Articles
A New Pretreatment Technique for Environmental Tritium Analysis with Microwave Heating MethodPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405017 (2016) <Published on 4 Mar. 2016>
Regular Articles
Development of Fast-Neutron Directional Detector for Fusion Neutron Profile Monitor at LHDPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405020 (2016) <Published on 4 Mar. 2016>
Regular Articles
A Study on Hydrogen Transport in Liquid Metals under Steady State Plasma BombardmentPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405026 (2016) <Published on 15 Apr. 2016>
Regular Articles
Design and Evaluation of Broad-Band High Pass Filter of Metal Perforated Sheets for Microwave DiagnosticsPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405027 (2016) <Published on 17 Mar. 2016>
Regular Articles
Studies on the Effect of Radio Frequency Field in a Cusp-Type Charge Separation Device for Direct Energy ConversionPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405028 (2016) <Published on 17 Mar. 2016>
Regular Articles
Variation in Emission and Energy Recovery Concerning Incident Angle in a Scheme Recovering High Energy Ions by Secondary ElectronsPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405029 (2016) <Published on 17 Mar. 2016>
Regular Articles
NITA Coil — Innovation for Enlarging the Blanket Space in the Helical Fusion ReactorPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405034 (2016) <Published on 15 Apr. 2016>
Regular Articles
Depth of Influence on the Plasma by Beam Extraction in a Negative Hydrogen Ion Source for NBIPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405037 (2016) <Published on 15 Apr. 2016>
Regular Articles
Effect of HIP Temperature and Cooling Rate on Microstructure and Hardness of Joints for ODS-RAFM Steels and JLF-1 SteelPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405039 (2016) <Published on 15 Apr. 2016>
Regular Articles
Speedup of Shielding Current Analysis in High-Temperature Superconducting Film: Implementation of H-Matrix MethodPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405041 (2016) <Published on 15 Apr. 2016>
Regular Articles
Study of the Axial Ion Confinement Time for High Particle Flux Operations of GAMMA 10/PDXPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405045 (2016) <Published on 15 Apr. 2016>
Regular Articles
Proposal for the Method of Maintaining Breeder Blankets in the LHD-Type Helical Fusion Reactor FFHRPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405047 (2016) <Published on 17 May 2016>
Regular Articles
Evaluation of Tritium Sorption Rate in Soil Packed Bed by Numerical AnalysisPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405050 (2016) <Published on 15 Apr. 2016>
Regular Articles
Observations of the Gas Stream from the Large Helical Device for the Design of an Exhaust Detritiation SystemPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405055 (2016) <Published on 17 May 2016>
Regular Articles
Radiation Field Estimation for the Diagnostic and Control Components by Monte Carlo Neutronics Calculations with LHD 3-Dimensional ModelingPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405057 (2016) <Published on 15 Apr. 2016>
Regular Articles
Feasibility Study of React-and-Wind Method for Helical Coils Wound from Cable-in-Conduit ConductorsPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405058 (2016) <Published on 17 May 2016>
Regular Articles
Design Status of the Structural Components of the Helical Fusion Reactor FFHR-d1Plasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405061 (2016) <Published on 17 May 2016>
Regular Articles
Hydrogen Gas-Driven Permeation through F82H Steel Coated with Vacuum Plasma-Sprayed TungstenPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405064 (2016) <Published on 17 May 2016>
Regular Articles
Evaluation of Shear Strength in Soldered and Mechanical Lap Joints of High-Temperature Superconducting Tapes Intended for a Remountable MagnetPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405065 (2016) <Published on 17 May 2016>
Regular Articles
Experimental Study on Chemical Behaviors of Non-Metal Impurities in Pb, Pb-Bi and Pb-Li by Temperature Programmed Desorption Mass Spectrometer AnalysisPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405076 (2016) <Published on 13 July 2016>
Regular Articles
Conceptual Design of Temporally Storage Area in Hot Cell for Fusion DEMO ReactorPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405077 (2016) <Published on 30 June 2016>
Regular Articles
Modification of Neutron Emission Spectra and Determination of Fuel Ion Ratio in Beam-Injected Deuterium–Tritium PlasmaPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405078 (2016) <Published on 30 June 2016>
Regular Articles
Preliminary Thermal Analysis of Critical Components in ITER Lower Port #02Plasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405083 (2016) <Published on 17 May 2016>
Regular Articles
Characteristics of a Large Diameter Radio-Frequency Negative Hydrogen Ion SourcePlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405088 (2016) <Published on 10 June 2016>
Regular Articles
ACT2: a High Heat Flux Test Facility Using Electron Beam for Fusion ApplicationPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405089 (2016) <Published on 10 June 2016>
Regular Articles
Hydrogen Solubility of the Molten Salt FLiNaK Mixed with Nano-Ti PowderPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405099 (2016) <Published on 15 July 2016>
Regular Articles
Investigation of Oxygen-Induced-Arcing in Cs-Seeded Negative Ion SourcePlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405108 (2016) <Published on 16 Sep. 2016>
Regular Articles
Nitrogen Hot Trap Design and Manufactures for Lithium Test Loop in IFMIF/EVEDA ProjectPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405112 (2016) <Published on 5 Oct. 2016>
Regular Articles
New Proposal on the Development of Machine Protection Functions for ITER Diagnostics ControlPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405114 (2016) <Published on 5 Oct. 2016>
Regular Articles
The Effect of Thermal History on Microstructure of Er2O3 Coating Layer Prepared by MOCVD ProcessPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2405120 (2016) <Published on 25 Nov. 2016>
Regular Articles
Krylov Subspace Method with Communication Avoiding Technique for Linear System Obtained from Electromagnetic AnalysisPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2406021 (2016) <Published on 17 Mar. 2016>
Regular Articles
Degradation of Acetic Acid in Water Using Gas-Liquid Plasma with SPG MembranePlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2406025 (2016) <Published on 17 Mar. 2016>
Regular Articles
Thrust Enhanced by a Magnetic Laval Nozzle in an Applied-Field Magneto-Plasma-Dynamic ThrusterPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2406033 (2016) <Published on 15 Apr. 2016>
Regular Articles
Numerical Analysis of Electron Energy Distribution Function and Its Effects on the H− Production in Linac4 H− SourcePlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2406044 (2016) <Published on 10 June 2016>
Regular Articles
An Intuitive Interface for Visualizing Numerical Data in a Head-Mounted Display with Gesture ControlPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2406060 (2016) <Published on 17 May 2016>
Regular Articles
Study of H− Production in DC H− Source of Medical CyclotronPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2406063 (2016) <Published on 10 June 2016>
Regular Articles
Experimental Study on W-Band (75 - 110 GHz) Oversized Surface Wave Oscillator Driven by Weakly Relativistic Electron BeamsPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2406085 (2016) <Published on 10 June 2016>
Regular Articles
Toward the Generation of Magnetized Collisionless Shocks with High-Power LasersPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 3401031 (2016) <Published on 15 Apr. 2016>
Regular Articles
Method for Detection of Nuclear-Plasma Interactions in a 134Xe-Doped Exploding Pusher at the National Ignition FacilityPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 3401075 (2016) <Published on 10 June 2016>
Regular Articles
The Measurement of Plasma Structure in a Magnetic Thrust ChamberPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 3406012 (2016) <Published on 24 Feb. 2016>
Regular Articles
Laser Compton Scattering Gamma-Ray Experiments for Supernova Neutrino ProcessPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 3406066 (2016) <Published on 30 June 2016>
Overview Articles
Overview Articles
Approaches to Hysteresis of Transport Relations in Toroidal PlasmasPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2503086 (2016) <Published on 10 June 2016>
Overview Articles
Recent Studies of Hydrogen Negative Ion Source and Beam Production for NBI in Large Helical DevicePlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2505038 (2016) <Published on 22 Apr. 2016>
Overview Articles
Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Steels for Advanced Blanket SystemsPlasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2505090 (2016) <Published on 30 June 2016>
Erratum: Fokker-Planck Simulation Study of Hot-Tail Effect on Runaway Electron Generation in ITER Disruptions[Plasma Fusion Res. 11, 2403023 (2016)]
Plasma and Fusion Res. 11, 2903079 (2016) <Published on 17 May 2016>