Plasma and Fusion Research
Volume 11, 2403097 (2016)
Regular Articles
- Division of Electronics and Informatics, Gunma University, Kiryu, Gunma 376-8515, Japan
- 1)
- National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki, Gifu 509-5292, Japan
We report here the simulation results of two colliding accelerated field-reversed configurations (FRCs). In our simulation code, we separately modeled the external magnetic field and that generated by plasma. By using a time-variable external magnetic field, we reproduced the translation of FRCs. Since the Hall effect is expected to play an important role in the magnetic reconnection research, we employed both the 2D resistive magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model and the 2D resistive Hall-MHD model. We compare the simulation results and report on the changes in the properties of plasma.
field-reversed configuration, translation, merging, magnetic reconnection, simulation, Hall MHD
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