Plasma and Fusion Research
Volume 11, 2406063 (2016)
Regular Articles
- Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd., Tokyo 141-6025, Japan
- 1)
- Graduate School of Science and Technology, Keio University, Yokohama 223-8522, Japan
- 2)
- High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Tsukaba 305-0801, Japan
- 3)
- Fusion Research and Development Directorate, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Aomori 039-3212, Japan
A filament driven multi-cusp negative hydrogen ion source has been developed for proton cyclotrons. In order to increase the H− beam current, the dependences of H− beam current on various design/operating parameters has been studied experimentally and numerically. In this paper, the effects of arc-discharge voltage and current on H− production via the volume production process are investigated by three-dimensional kinetic modeling of electrons in the source plasma and zero-dimensional rate equations. This numerical analysis reproduces the experimental results of H− beam current dependence on the arc-discharge condition, and also gives reasonable explanations for their characteristics.
negative hydrogen ion source, medical cyclotron, EEDF, KEIO-MARC code
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