Volume 2 (1999)
Proceedings of
9th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion (ITC-9)
- New Frontiers in Plasma Physics -
December 7 - 11, 1998
[pp.003~100] [pp.101~201] [pp.202~302] [pp.303~401] [pp.402~500] [pp.501~540]
- pp.402-405 :
Physics of Exploding Plasma in Magnetic Fields and Oppotunity of Direct Conversion of ICF-Energy
- pp.406-409 :
Effect of Recombination Processes and the Experimental Estimation of Ionization State in Laser-Produced-Plasmas
- pp.410-413 :
Velocity Distribution of Ions and Anisotropy of Kinetic Ion-Temperatures in Laser Plasma Experiments
- pp.414-417 :
Simulation of Various Ionization Effects in Overdense Plasmas Irradiated by a Subpicosecond Pulse Laser
- pp.418-422 :
Study of Irradiation Uniformity Using a Lens Array and Non-Spherical Principal Focusing Lens
- pp.423-426 :
Growth of Laser Ripple in a Collisional Magnetoplasma and Its Effect on Plasma Wave Excitation
- pp.427-430 :
Langmuir Wave Excitation by Beating Gaussian Laser Beams in a Parabolic Plasma Channel
- pp.431-434 :
Hysteresis Effect in the Resonant Response of the Nonneutral Plasma Wave
- pp.435-438 :
Observation of Asymmetric Sheath Structure in Multi-Component Plasma Containing Negative Ions
- pp.439-442 :
Experiments on Solitons and Electron Holes in a Pure Electron Plasma Paper
- pp.443-446 :
Chaotic Lower Hybrid Fluctuations during the Anomalous Resistivity Phase of a High-Voltage Linear Plasma Discharge
- pp.447-450 :
Model of Silent Discharge Current and Its Chaotic Oscillation
- pp.451-454 :
Kinetic Simulation on Ion Acoustic Wave in Gas Discharge Plasma with Convective Scheme
- pp.455-458 :
Nonlocal Effects in an Excitation of Ion Acoustic Waves by an Ion Beam in a Plasma Cylinder
- pp.459-462 :
Convective Instabilities of Transverse Wave in a Magnetized Chiral Media
- pp.463-466 :
Energy Transfer from Low-Frequency Magnetosonic Pulses to Particles in a Two-Ion-Species Plasma
- pp.467-469 :
Modeling ULF Magnetic Pulsations in Southern Hemisphere with Kinetic Alfvén Waves
- pp.470-473 :
Alfvén Wave Dissipation in the Dipole Axisymmetric Magnetosphere
- pp.474-477 :
Fragmentation and Coalescence of Magnetic Flux Tubes in Weakly Ionized Plasmas
- pp.478-481 :
Magnetic Field Generation during the Collision of Counter Streaming Flows
- pp.482-485 :
Strong Magnetic Implosion in Spherical Reversed Laser Corona: New Results and New Numerical Schemes for MHD Simulations
- pp.486-489 :
Self-Organization Scenario Relevant for the Formation of Prebiotic Complex Structures
- pp.490-493 :
Self-Organization as a Possible Route to Fusion Energy
- pp.494-497 :
Analysis of Self-Organizing Phenomena in Plasma Focus: Neural Network Approach
- pp.498-500 :
Structure Formation in a Short Chain-Molecule System: A Molecular Dynamics Study