Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES (JPFR-S) is a journal for peer-reviewed conference papers published by the Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research. The journal, covering the wide disciplines of plasma science and technology, is edited by the special committee of each conference.

Volume 11 (2015)
Proceedings of the 12th Japan-China Symposium on Materials for Advanced Energy Systems and Fission & Fusion Engineering (JCS-12)
Volume 10 (2013)
Proceedings of the 4th Japan-China Workshop on Fusion-Related Tritium Science and Technology
Volume 9 (2010)
Proceedings of the 7th General Scientific Assembly of the Asia Plasma and Fusion Association in 2009 (APFA2009) and Asia-Pacific Plasma Theory Conference in 2009 (APPTC2009)
Volume 8 (2009)
Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Plasma Physics (ICPP2008)
Volume 7 (2006)
Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of 14th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion (ITC-14) and 4th International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications (ICAMDATA 2004)
Volume 6 (2004)
Proceedings of 13th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion (ITC-13)
Volume 5 (2002)
Proceedings of Joint Conference of 12th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion (ITC-12) and 3rd General Scientific Assembly of Asia Plasma and Fusion Association (APFA'01)
Volume 4 (2001)
Proceedings of 11th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion (ITC-11)
Volume 3 (2000)
Proceedings of 10th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion (ITC-10)
Volume 2 (1999)
Proceedings of 9th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion (ITC-9)
Volume 1 (1998)
Proceedings of Joint Conference of 11th International Stellarator Conference (ISC-11) and 8th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion (ITC-8)