Volume 13 (2018)
Regular Issue Special Issue 1 Special Issue 2
Review Articles
Review Articles
Review of Helicon High-Density Plasma: Production Mechanism and Plasma/Wave CharacteristicsPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1101014 (2018) <Published on 23 March 2018>
Review Articles
Symmetry-Breaking of Turbulence Structure and Position Identification in Toroidal PlasmasPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1102113 (2018) <Published on 5 October 2018>
Rapid Communications
Rapid Communications
Thomson Scattering Measurement of Two Electron Temperature Components in Transition to Detached PlasmasPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1201099 (2018) <Published on 10 August 2018>
Rapid Communications
Poloidal Flow Velocity Measurement in High-Density NBI Plasmas of Heliotron JPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1202077 (2018) <Published on 25 June 2018>
Rapid Communications
Measurement of the Local Current Density Inside a Current Sheet Using a Rogowski Coil Array on UTST Merging PlasmasPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1202093 (2018) <Published on 26 July 2018>
Rapid Communications
Observation of the Spatial Profile of Deuterium/Hydrogen Ratio Using Bulk Charge Exchange EmissionPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1202103 (2018) <Published on 10 August 2018>
Rapid Communications
High-Resolution 2D Magnetic Field Measurement of Magnetic Reconnection Using Printed-Circuit Board CoilsPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1202108 (2018) <Published on 25 September 2018>
Rapid Communications
MHD Simulation of Merging Fueling Method Used for ST PlasmaPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1203008 (2018) <Published on 9 February 2018>
Rapid Communications
An Ingenious Plasma Simulation Model for Large-Scale System with Self-Consistent Electron DynamicsPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1203088 (2018) <Published on 10 July 2018>
Rapid Communications
Triggering of Neoclassical Tearing Mode by Error Field PenetrationPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1203104 (2018) <Published on 10 August 2018>
Rapid Communications
Pulsation Effects of Incident Ion Energy on W Fuzz GrowthPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1205001 (2018) <Published on 16 January 2018>
Rapid Communications
Blister Formation on Tungsten Irradiated by 4 MeV Helium Ion Beam in Ordinary TemperaturePlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1205084 (2018) <Published on 10 July 2018>
Rapid Communications
Verification of the Thermal Neutron Shielding Effect of the Shielding Door of the LHD Experimental HallPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1205101 (2018) <Published on 10 August 2018>
Rapid Communications
Demonstration of Beam Optics Optimization Using Plasma Grid Bias in a Negative Ion SourcePlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1205110 (2018) <Published on 10 September 2018>
Expiratory Testing as a Simple and Effective Bioassay Method for Screening Workers for Tritium Exposure in Fusion Test FacilitiesPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1305076 (2018) <Published on 12 June 2018>
Thomson Scattering Measurement of Laser-Produced Plasma in a Magnetic Thrust ChamberPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1306016 (2018) <Published on 23 March 2018>
Investigation on Hard-Tissue Compatibility of TiN Surface Formed by Atmospheric-Pressure-Plasma NitridingPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1306120 (2018) <Published on 23 October 2018>
Regular Articles
Regular Articles
Global Mode Analysis of Ion-Temperature-Gradient Instabilities Using the Gyro-Fluid Model in Linear DevicesPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1401081 (2018) <Published on 25 June 2018>
Regular Articles
Mode Structure Analysis of Detached Plasmas with 2D ImagesPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1402033 (2018) <Published on 22 May 2018>
Regular Articles
Determining the Closed Flux Surface in a Helical Plasma in TOKASTAR-2 with an Electrostatic ProbePlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1402039 (2018) <Published on 22 May 2018>
Regular Articles
Extended Range of Stable Radial Position of Tokamak Plasma in TOKASTAR-2Plasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1402111 (2018) <Published on 25 September 2018>
Regular Articles
Effect of Electron Cyclotron Current Drive on the Ion Temperature in the Plasma Core Region of the Large Helical DevicePlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1402124 (2018) <Published on 20 December 2018>
Regular Articles
Analytic Representation for Parallel Flow of Hot Ions Produced by Tangential Neutral Beam InjectionPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1403119 (2018) <Published on 23 October 2018>
Regular Articles
Study on Jets Stabilized by Inserting Internal Flow Resistances for the Liquid Metal Divertor in the Helical Fusion ReactorPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1405003 (2018) <Published on 9 February 2018>
Regular Articles
Measuring Faraday Effect in Z-Cut Crystal Quartz at Wavelength of 118.8 μm for PolarimeterPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1405112 (2018) <Published on 25 September 2018>
Regular Articles
Repeatable Intense Beam Generation of Micro-Particles Attached with 107 ElectronsPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1406042 (2018) <Published on 10 May 2018>
Regular Articles
Effects of Gas Velocity on Deposition Rate and Amount of Cluster Incorporation into a-Si:H Films Fabricated by SiH4 Plasma Chemical Vapor DepositionPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1406082 (2018) <Published on 25 June 2018>
Regular Articles
Thermal Motion of Charged Particles in Confined Ensemble under Constant Electromagnetic FieldPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1406125 (2018) <Published on 21 December 2018>
Regular Articles
RIKEN Compact Neutron Systems with Fast and Slow NeutronsPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 2401017 (2018) <Published on 28 March 2018>
Regular Articles
3 × 108 D-D Neutron Generation by High-Intensity Laser Irradiation onto the Inner Surface of Spherical CD ShellsPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 2401028 (2018) <Published on 24 April 2018>
Regular Articles
Efficient and Repetitive Neutron Generation by Double-Laser-Pulse Driven Photonuclear ReactionPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 2404009 (2018) <Published on 15 February 2018>
Regular Articles
A Study on the Non-Destructive Detection of Salt in Concrete Using Neutron-Captured Prompt-Gamma Rays at RANSPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 2404052 (2018) <Published on 22 May 2018>
Regular Articles
Measurements of Neutrons from Photonuclear Reactions Using Laser Compton Scattering Gamma RaysPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 2404066 (2018) <Published on 15 June 2018>
Regular Articles
Optimization of Experimental System Design for Benchmarking of Large Angle Scattering Reaction Cross Section at 14 MeV Using Two Shadow BarsPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 2405002 (2018) <Published on 16 January 2018>
Regular Articles
Crystal Growth and Optical Properties of Organic Crystals for Neutron ScintillatorsPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 2405011 (2018) <Published on 26 February 2018>
Regular Articles
Development of a Flat-Panel and Resistor-Type Photomultiplier Tube System for High Position-Resolution Two-Dimensional Neutron DetectorPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 2405056 (2018) <Published on 22 May 2018>
Regular Articles
Development of Neutron Resonance Transmission Analysis as a Non-Destructive Assay Technique for Nuclear NonproliferationPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 2406004 (2018) <Published on 9 February 2018>
Regular Articles
Nondestructive Measurement for Water and Voids in Concrete with Compact Neutron SourcePlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 2406005 (2018) <Published on 9 February 2018>
Regular Articles
Development of LINAC-Based Neutron Source for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy in University of TsukubaPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 2406006 (2018) <Published on 9 February 2018>
Regular Articles
Beam Extraction by the Laser Charge Exchange Method Using the 3-MeV LINAC in J-PARCPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 2406012 (2018) <Published on 28 March 2018>
Regular Articles
Development of a Sealed-Type Capillary Plate Gas Detector for Thermal Neutron ImagingPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 2406018 (2018) <Published on 10 April 2018>
Regular Articles
Neutron Radiography Using Inertial Electrostatic Confinement (IEC) FusionPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 2406075 (2018) <Published on 12 June 2018>
Regular Articles
Effective Proton Heating through Collisionless Driven Reconnection in the Presence of Guide FieldPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3401025 (2018) <Published on 10 April 2018>
Regular Articles
Electron Impact Ionization Cross Sections of Tungsten Atoms and Tungsten IonsPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3401026 (2018) <Published on 10 April 2018>
Regular Articles
Full-Particle Simulation on Beam Electron Plasma in Linear Confinement SystemPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3401041 (2018) <Published on 10 May 2018>
Regular Articles
Magnetic Field Configuration Dependence of Plasma Production and Parallel Transport in a Linear Plasma Device NUMBERPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3401044 (2018) <Published on 10 May 2018>
Regular Articles
Divertor Plasma Simulation Experiment Using Hydrogen Ionizing Plasma and Helium Ion Beam in an RF Plasma Source DT-ALPHAPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3401053 (2018) <Published on 22 May 2018>
Regular Articles
Particle-In-Cell Simulation of Field-Reversed Configuration with Adaptive Particle ManagementPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3401060 (2018) <Published on 22 May 2018>
Regular Articles
Trapping Efficiency of a Non-Adidabatic Confinement DevicePlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3401069 (2018) <Published on 12 June 2018>
Regular Articles
Study on Dynamic Behaviors of Ionization Waves Influenced by Feedback in a Glow Discharge PlasmaPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3401073 (2018) <Published on 12 June 2018>
Regular Articles
Development of Ion Sensitive Probe and Its Application to RF Plasma Device DT-ALPHAPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3401090 (2018) <Published on 26 July 2018>
Regular Articles
Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulation for Self-Assembly of Symmetric Bolaamphiphilic Molecules in SolutionPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3401095 (2018) <Published on 26 July 2018>
Regular Articles
Determination of Spatiotemporal Structure of Fluctuations by Statistical Averaging MethodPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3401105 (2018) <Published on 27 August 2018>
Regular Articles
Observation of Tungsten Line Emissions in Wavelength Range of 10 - 500 Å in Large Helical DevicePlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402020 (2018) <Published on 10 April 2018>
Regular Articles
Fast Ion Confinement Study by Neutron Emission Rate Measurement after Short Pulse NB Injection in the Large Helical DevicePlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402024 (2018) <Published on 10 April 2018>
Regular Articles
Measurement of Impurity Emission Intensity Distribution in the Edge Region of LHD and Its Relation with Magnetic Field StructurePlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402030 (2018) <Published on 24 April 2018>
Regular Articles
Response of Plasmas to Tungsten Pellet Injection in Neutral Beam Heated Discharges in Large Helical DevicePlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402031 (2018) <Published on 24 April 2018>
Regular Articles
Impact of the Upstream Plasma Parameters on the Spectroscopic Measurement in the GAMMA 10/PDX Divertor Simulation ExperimentsPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402032 (2018) <Published on 22 May 2018>
Regular Articles
Comparison of Rotation of Interchange Mode in Large Helical Device Plasmas with Various Ion SpeciesPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402037 (2018) <Published on 10 May 2018>
Regular Articles
RF Wave Detection with High-Frequency Magnetic Probes in LHDPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402043 (2018) <Published on 24 April 2018>
Regular Articles
Application of He I Line Intensity Ratio Method to Tokamak Plasma in TOKASTAR-2Plasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402047 (2018) <Published on 22 May 2018>
Regular Articles
Plasma Density Measurement on an SCU-PSI Device via a CO2 Dispersion InterferometerPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402049 (2018) <Published on 10 May 2018>
Regular Articles
Radial Profile Measurements of Electron Temperature and Density Using the Thomson Scattering System in GAMMA 10/PDXPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402051 (2018) <Published on 10 May 2018>
Regular Articles
Measurements of the Impurity Flow Velocity and Temperature in Deuterium and Hydrogen Plasmas in the Divertor Legs of the Stochastic Layer in LHDPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402058 (2018) <Published on 12 June 2018>
Regular Articles
TSC Simulation of Transient CHI in New Electrode Configuration on QUESTPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402059 (2018) <Published on 22 May 2018>
Regular Articles
Installation of New Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging in LHDPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402063 (2018) <Published on 12 June 2018>
Regular Articles
Neutron Flux Measurement Using a Fast-Neutron Scintillation Detector with High Temporal Resolution on the Large Helical DevicePlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402068 (2018) <Published on 12 June 2018>
Regular Articles
Estimation of Tokamak Plasma Position and Shape in TOKASTAR-2 Using Magnetic Field MeasurementPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402072 (2018) <Published on 12 June 2018>
Regular Articles
Topological Transition and Inductive Current Drive of a Translated Field-Reversed Configuration PlasmaPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402078 (2018) <Published on 25 June 2018>
Regular Articles
Spectroscopic Measurements of Impurity Ion Toroidal and Poloidal Flow Velocities and Their Dependence on Vertical Magnetic Field in QUEST Toroidal ECR PlasmasPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402087 (2018) <Published on 10 July 2018>
Regular Articles
Hydrogen Recycling Study with a High Temperature Target in the Divertor Simulation Experiment in GAMMA 10/PDXPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402096 (2018) <Published on 10 August 2018>
Regular Articles
Surface Current Approximation of Magnetization Currents of Magnetic Materials in Axisymmetric Tokamak Devices for the Correction of their Effects on Magnetic DiagnosticsPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402097 (2018) <Published on 10 August 2018>
Regular Articles
Collisional Merging Process of Field-Reversed Configuration Plasmas in the FAT-CM DevicePlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402098 (2018) <Published on 10 August 2018>
Regular Articles
Development of a High Energy Hydrogen Beam Injection System for Divertor Plasma Simulation Experiments on the DT-ALPHA DevicePlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402102 (2018) <Published on 10 September 2018>
Regular Articles
Evaluation of Turbulent Particle Flux by Heavy Ion Beam Probe in the T-10 TokamakPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402106 (2018) <Published on 25 September 2018>
Regular Articles
GAM and Broadband Turbulence Structure in OH and ECRH Plasmas in the T-10 TokamakPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402109 (2018) <Published on 25 September 2018>
Regular Articles
Current Drive Experiment Using Top/Outboard Side Lower Hybrid Wave Injection on TST-2 Spherical TokamakPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402114 (2018) <Published on 25 September 2018>
Regular Articles
High-Field-Side RF Injection for Excitation of Electron Bernstein WavesPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402115 (2018) <Published on 5 October 2018>
Regular Articles
Optimization of the Magnetic Sensor Configuration for JT-60SA Plasma ControlPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402118 (2018) <Published on 4 December 2018>
Regular Articles
Initial Results of Triton Burnup Study in the Large Helical DevicePlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402121 (2018) <Published on 20 November 2018>
Regular Articles
Initial Results of Neutron Emission Profile Measurements in LHD Deuterium PlasmasPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3402122 (2018) <Published on 20 November 2018>
Regular Articles
Simulation Study of High-Frequency Magnetosonic Waves Excited by Energetic Ions in Association with Ion Cyclotron EmissionPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3403015 (2018) <Published on 10 April 2018>
Regular Articles
Benchmarking of B2 Code with a One-Dimensional Plasma Fluid Model Incorporating Anisotropic Ion Pressures on Simple Mirror ConfigurationsPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3403022 (2018) <Published on 10 April 2018>
Regular Articles
Application of EMC3-EIRENE to Estimation of Influence of a Liquid Metal Limiter on an LHD-Type Fusion PlasmaPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3403034 (2018) <Published on 24 April 2018>
Regular Articles
PIC Simulation Study of Merging Processes of Two Spheromak-Like PlasmoidsPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3403035 (2018) <Published on 24 April 2018>
Regular Articles
Evaluation of Measurement Signal of Heavy Ion Beam Probe of Energetic-Particle Driven Geodesic Acoustic ModesPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3403040 (2018) <Published on 22 May 2018>
Regular Articles
ELM Dynamic Simulation for Detached Divertor Plasmas Using One-Dimensional Fluid CodePlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3403054 (2018) <Published on 22 May 2018>
Regular Articles
Full-Particle Simulation of Electromagnetic Waves Induced by Electron Motion in a Field-Reversed ConfigurationPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3403055 (2018) <Published on 10 May 2018>
Regular Articles
Triple Hybrid Simulation Method for Tungsten Fuzzy Nanostructure FormationPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3403061 (2018) <Published on 15 June 2018>
Regular Articles
Investigation of E-Divertor Plasma during Simultaneous Injection of Hydrogen and Impurity Gases into GAMMA 10/PDX by Using the LINDA CodePlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3403080 (2018) <Published on 25 June 2018>
Regular Articles
Global Gyrokinetic Simulation of Linear Micro-Instability Using Parameters Referring to HL-2A Plasma with Ion Transport BarrierPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3403083 (2018) <Published on 10 August 2018>
Regular Articles
Effects of Hydrogen Negative Ions on Plasma with Magnetic Field Decreasing toward a WallPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3403085 (2018) <Published on 10 July 2018>
Regular Articles
Shaping Effects on Non-Ideal Ballooning ModePlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3403086 (2018) <Published on 10 July 2018>
Regular Articles
Plasma Scenario Study for HT-6M Tokamak Using BALDUR Integrated Predictive Modeling CodePlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3403094 (2018) <Published on 26 July 2018>
Regular Articles
Configuration Property of the Chinese First Quasi-Axisymmetric StellaratorPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3403123 (2018) <Published on 4 December 2018>
Regular Articles
Control of Chemical Forms of Tritium in FLiNaK under Low Flux Neutron IrradiationPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3404071 (2018) <Published on 25 June 2018>
Regular Articles
Disruption Prediction by Support Vector Machine and Neural Network with Exhaustive SearchPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3405021 (2018) <Published on 10 April 2018>
Regular Articles
Several Considerations on Construction Site of Fusion DEMOPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3405023 (2018) <Published on 10 April 2018>
Regular Articles
Study on Wind-React-Transfer Method for Helical Coils Wound from Nb3Sn Cable-in-Conduit ConductorsPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3405027 (2018) <Published on 10 April 2018>
Regular Articles
Gas Pressure Measurements in Pure and Mixed Gases at Around 1.0 Pa by Using ASDEX Type Fast Ionization GaugePlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3405029 (2018) <Published on 24 April 2018>
Regular Articles
Analysis Technique of Millimeter-Wave Propagating Modes in an Oversized Corrugated Waveguide Using Developed Beam Profile MonitorsPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3405036 (2018) <Published on 10 May 2018>
Regular Articles
Monitoring of Tritium Concentration by Simplified Active Sampler in a Fusion Test FacilityPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3405038 (2018) <Published on 10 May 2018>
Regular Articles
Development of the Tritium Transport Model for Pebbles of Li2TiO3Plasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3405048 (2018) <Published on 10 May 2018>
Regular Articles
Measurement of Heat Quantity in a Small Cusp-Type Direct Energy Converter for Divertor Thermal Load ReductionPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3405050 (2018) <Published on 22 May 2018>
Regular Articles
Operations of the Helium Subcooling System for the LHD Helical Coils during Ten Plasma Experimental CampaignsPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3405057 (2018) <Published on 10 May 2018>
Regular Articles
Performance Improvement of a Magnetized Coaxial Plasma Gun by Adopting Iron-Core Bias Coil and Pre-Ionization SystemsPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3405062 (2018) <Published on 22 May 2018>
Regular Articles
Development of Rapid Sampling System of Atmospheric Water Vapor for Tritium MeasurementPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3405064 (2018) <Published on 12 June 2018>
Regular Articles
Magnetic Configuration and Modular Coil Design for the Chinese First Quasi-Axisymmetric StellaratorPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3405067 (2018) <Published on 12 June 2018>
Regular Articles
Corrosion Mitigation of Ferritic Steels in HF-Containing FLiNaK by Titanium Sacrificial AnodesPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3405079 (2018) <Published on 25 June 2018>
Regular Articles
Development of the Grating Mirror for the High Power Transmission System and Its General TheoryPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3405089 (2018) <Published on 10 July 2018>
Regular Articles
Particle Beams as Controllable Complex Systems: Application of the Network TheoryPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3405091 (2018) <Published on 10 August 2018>
Regular Articles
Study for Emittance Measurements in a High-Current Multibeamlet BeamPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3405092 (2018) <Published on 26 July 2018>
Regular Articles
Estimation of Plasma Emission Transition Using Hidden Markov ModelPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3405117 (2018) <Published on 25 September 2018>
Regular Articles
Nanostructure Growth on Rhodium/Ruthenium by the Exposure to He PlasmaPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3406065 (2018) <Published on 12 June 2018>
Regular Articles
Spatially Resolved Measurements of Metastable Atom Density and Electric Field Strength in a Microhollow Cathode Helium Plasma by Laser Absorption SpectroscopyPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3406070 (2018) <Published on 12 June 2018>
Regular Articles
Morphology Changes of Platinum and Tungsten Carbide by He Plasma IrradiationPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3406074 (2018) <Published on 12 June 2018>
Regular Articles
Experimental Study on Backward Wave Oscillators Using Dielectric Discharge Cold CathodesPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3406107 (2018) <Published on 25 September 2018>
Regular Articles
Ar/O2 Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet Treatment of Pure Cotton Fabric for Antibacterial ApplicationPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3406116 (2018) <Published on 5 October 2018>
Overview Articles
Overview Articles
Techniques to Measure Absolute Neutron Spectrum and Intensity for Accelerator Based Neutron Source for BNCTPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 2501007 (2018) <Published on 9 February 2018>
Overview Articles
Current Status of the High Intensity Pulsed Spallation Neutron Source at J-PARCPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 2505013 (2018) <Published on 28 March 2018>
Overview Articles
J-PARC Transmutation Experimental Facility ProgramPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 2505045 (2018) <Published on 10 May 2018>
Overview Articles
Fusion Research and International Collaboration in the Asian RegionPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3502046 (2018) <Published on 10 May 2018>
Overview Articles
Recent Activities on SST-1 and ADITYA-U TokamaksPlasma and Fusion Res. 13, 3502100 (2018) <Published on 10 August 2018>
Erratum: “ICRF Heating Experiment on LHD in Foreseeing a Future Fusion Device”[Plasma Fusion Res. 10, 3405046 (2015)]
Plasma and Fusion Res. 13, 1905010 (2018) <Published on 9 February 2018>
Erratum: “Efficient and Repetitive Neutron Generation by Double-Laser-Pulse Driven Photonuclear Reaction”[Plasma Fusion Res. 13, 2404009 (2018)]
Plasma and Fusion Res. 13, 2904019 (2018) <Published on 28 March 2018>