Plasma and Fusion Research

Volume 16, 2403067 (2021)

Regular Articles

Electric Potential in Volume Produced Negative Ion Sources with Magnetic Field Increasing toward a Wall
Azusa FUKANO and Akiyoshi HATAYAMA1)
Monozukuri Department, Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology, Higashi-Oi, Shinagawa, Tokyo 140-0011, Japan
Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University, Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-8522, Japan
(Received 9 November 2020 / Accepted 30 March 2021 / Published 18 June 2021)


Distribution of electric potential near the wall in the volume produced negative ion source with the magnetic field increasing toward the wall such as the cusp magnetic field is investigated analytically. The plasma-sheath equation that gives the electric potential in the plasma region and the sheath region near the wall is derived analytically and the potential distribution near the wall is obtained by solving the plasma-sheath equation. Effects of the degree of increase of the magnetic field, the production amount of volume produced negative ion, and the ion temperature on the distributions of electric potential are shown.


volume produced negative hydrogen ion, electric potential, magnetic field, plasma-sheath equation

DOI: 10.1585/pfr.16.2403067


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