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Plasma and Fusion Research

Volume 9, 1202053 (2014)

Rapid Communications

Development of a High CMRR Magnetic Probe for the Biased Plasma in TU-Heliac
Satoshi KOIKE, Sumio KITAJIMA, Atsushi OKAMOTO, Keiichi ISHII, Yu SATO, Jo TACHIBANA, Toshihiro OKU, Kosuke SHIMIZU, Shigeru INAGAKI1), Yasuhiro SUZUKI2), Hiromi TAKAHASHI2) and Masakazu TAKAYAMA3)
Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8579, Japan
Kyushu University, Kasuga 816-8580, Japan
National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki 509-5292, Japan
Akita Prefectural University, Honjyo 015-0055, Japan
(Received 13 December 2013 / Accepted 28 February 2014 / Published 7 May 2014)


The plasma in Tohoku University Heliac (TU-Heliac) is biased by a hot cathode that drives the J × B poloidal rotation. In the biased plasma, a density collapse accompanied by high-frequency bursting density and potential fluctuations was observed. To eliminate the effect of potential fluctuations and to measure the magnetic fluctuation, a high common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) magnetic probe with a preamplifier at the probe head in a vacuum vessel was designed and installed. Owing to the absolute calibration, the magnetic probe has a high magnetic sensitivity of 104 V/T (@100 kHz), high CMRR of −75 dB (@500 kHz), and frequency bandwidth DC −1 MHz. In the biased plasma, the power spectrum of the normal mode signal was 104 times larger than that of the common mode signal in all frequency ranges, which indicates that the probe can successfully minimize the capacitive pickup noise relative to the actual magnetic fluctuation signal. In addition, we successfully observed the broad spectrum (100 kHz < f < 300 kHz) of the magnetic fluctuation and MHD instability in the biased plasma in TU-Heliac.


magnetic probe, biased plasma, MHD, fluctuation, density collapse

DOI: 10.1585/pfr.9.1202053


  • [1] S. Kitajima et al., Nucl. Fusion 46, 200 (2006).
  • [2] C.M. Frank et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 73, 3768 (2002).
  • [3] Y. Tanaka et al., Plasma Fusion Res. 3, S1055 (2008).
  • [4] www.linear.com

This paper may be cited as follows:

Satoshi KOIKE, Sumio KITAJIMA, Atsushi OKAMOTO, Keiichi ISHII, Yu SATO, Jo TACHIBANA, Toshihiro OKU, Kosuke SHIMIZU, Shigeru INAGAKI, Yasuhiro SUZUKI, Hiromi TAKAHASHI and Masakazu TAKAYAMA, Plasma Fusion Res. 9, 1202053 (2014).