Volume 5 (2010)

  Regular Issue     Special Issue 1     Special Issue 2

Review Articles

Review Articles

A Review -Observations of Turbulence and Structure in Magnetized Plasmas
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 046 (2010) <Published on 16 Dec. 2010>

Review Articles

Issues of Electric Fields in Fusion Devices
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1004 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Review Articles

Integrated Performance and Critical Issues for Steady-State Operation in JT-60U
Yoshiteru SAKAMOTO and the JT-60 team
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1008 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Review Articles

Research of Basic Plasma Physics Toward Nuclear Fusion in LHD
Akio KOMORI and LHD experiment group
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2001 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Review Articles

Turbulence and Structure Formation Associated with Vortex Dynamics in Non-Neutral Plasma Flow
Yasuhito KIWAMOTO, Yosuke KAWAI, Yukihiro SOGA and Jun AOKI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2002 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Rapid Communications

Rapid Communications

Chemical Erosion of Diamond-Coated Graphite under Low-Energy Hydrogen Atom Irradiation
Yuji TAKEGUCHI, Masaaki KYO, Yoshihiko UESUGI, Yasunori TANAKA and Suguru MASUZAKI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 003 (2010) <Published on 25 Jan. 2010>

Rapid Communications

Suppression of Carbon Dust Formation by Nitrogen Injection into Hydrogen Plasmas in Detached Plasma Conditions
Masaaki KYO, Yuji TAKEGUCHI, Yoshihiko UESUGI, Yasunori TANAKA and Suguru MASUZAKI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 004 (2010) <Published on 25 Jan. 2010>

Rapid Communications

Simulation of Laser-Accelerated Proton Focusing and Diagnosis with a Permanent Magnet Quadrupole Triplet
Hironao SAKAKI, Mamiko NISHIUCHI, Toshihiko HORI, Paul R. BOLTON, Motonobu TAMPO, Akifumi YOGO, Kiminori KONDO, Shunichi KAWANISHI, Hiroshi IWASE and Koji NIITA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 009 (2010) <Published on 15 Feb. 2010>

Rapid Communications

Monte-Carlo Study Based on Real Coordinates for Perpendicularly Injected High-Energy Ions in the LHD High-Beta Plasma
Ryosuke SEKI, Yutaka MATSUMOTO, Yasuhiro SUZUKI, Kiyomasa WATANABE, Kiyotaka HAMAMATSU and Masafumi ITAGAKI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 014 (2010) <Published on 07 May 2010>

Rapid Communications

Direct Measurements of High Harmonic Fast Wave Profile in the UTST Spherical Tokamak Plasma
Takuma WAKATSUKI, Yoshihiko NAGASHIMA, Takuya OOSAKO, Hiroaki KOBAYASHI, Byung Il AN, Hidetoshi KAKUDA, Takuma YAMADA, Ryota IMAZAWA, Osamu WATANABE, Takashi YAMAGUCHI, Hiroki KURASHINA, Hiroyuki HAYASHI, Kotaro YAMADA, Takuya SAKAMOTO, Kentaro HANASHIMA, Junichi HIRATSUKA, Shuji KAMIO, Ryuma HIHARA, Keita ABE, Morio SAKUMURA, Qinghong CAO, Michiaki INOMOTO, Yasushi ONO, Akira EJIRI and Yuichi TAKASE
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 018 (2010) <Published on 04 Jun. 2010>

Rapid Communications

Global Profile Relaxation and Entropy Dynamics in Turbulent Transport
Kenji IMADERA, Yasuaki KISHIMOTO and Jiquan LI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 019 (2010) <Published on 14 Jun. 2010>

Rapid Communications

Observation of Edge Reynolds Stress Increase Preceding an L-H Transition in Compact Helical System
Yoshihiko NAGASHIMA, Kenichi NAGAOKA, Kimitaka ITOH, Akihide FUJISAWA, Mitsutaka ISOBE, Tsuyoshi AKIYAMA, Chihiro SUZUKI, Shin NISHIMURA, Yasuo YOSHIMURA, Keisuke MATSUOKA, Shoichi OKAMURA, Yuichi TAKASE, Akira EJIRI, Sanae -I. ITOH, Masatoshi YAGI and CHS Group
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 022 (2010) <Published on 14 Jun. 2010>

Rapid Communications

Evaluation of Edge Electron Temperature Fluctuations Using a Conditional Technique on TST-2
Jun'ichi OZAKI, Masateru SONEHARA, Yoshihiko NAGASHIMA, Yuichi TAKASE, Akira EJIRI, Kotaro YAMADA, Hidetoshi KAKUDA, Shigeru INAGAKI, Takuya OOSAKO, Byung Il AN, Hiroyuki HAYASHI, Kentaro HANASHIMA, Junichi HIRATSUKA, Hiroaki KOBAYASHI, Hiroki KURASHINA, Takuya SAKAMOTO, Takashi YAMAGUCHI, Osamu WATANABE and Takuma WAKATSUKI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 023 (2010) <Published on 28 Jun. 2010>

Rapid Communications

Electron Density Measurements of Non-Inductive Start-Up Plasmas in the TST-2 Spherical Tokamak
Hiroki KURASHINA, Akira EJIRI, Yuichi TAKASE, Kentaro HANASHIMA, Takuya SAKAMOTO, Osamu WATANABE, Yoshihiko NAGASHIMA, Takashi YAMAGUCHI, Byung Il AN, Hiroaki KOBAYASHI, Hiroyuki HAYASHI, Kotaro YAMADA, Hazuki MATSUZAWA, Hidetoshi KAKUDA, Junichi HIRATSUKA, Takuma WAKATSUKI and Takuya OOSAKO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 024 (2010) <Published on 07 Jul. 2010>

Rapid Communications

Analysis of Relativistic Particle Orbit in a Transversely Focused High-Power Laser Field by Using the Noncanonical Lie Perturbation Method
Natsumi IWATA, Kenji IMADERA and Yasuaki KISHIMOTO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 028 (2010) <Published on 20 Aug. 2010>

Rapid Communications

Electrostatic Oscillations Observed in Non-Neutral Electron Plasmas Confined in a Magnetic Field Gradient
Hiroyuki HIGAKI, Kiyokazu ITO and Hiromi OKAMOTO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 029 (2010) <Published on 20 Aug. 2010>

Rapid Communications

Optics Design for Microwave Imaging Reflectometry in LHD
Tomokazu YOSHINAGA, Yoshio NAGAYAMA, Daisuke KUWAHARA, Hayato TSUCHIYA, Soichiro YAMAGUCHI, Yuichiro KOGI, Shunji TSUJI-IIO, Hitoshi HOJO and Atsushi MASE
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 030 (2010) <Published on 27 Aug. 2010>

Rapid Communications

Cross-scale Dynamo Action in Multiscale Plasma Turbulence
Jiquan LI and Yasuaki KISHIMOTO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 031 (2010) <Published on 27 Aug. 2010>

Rapid Communications

Correlation between Low-Frequency Fluctuations and Plasma Stored Energy in GAMMA 10
Yoshiaki MIYATA, Masayuki YOSHIKAWA, Fumiaki YAGUCHI, Makoto ICHIMURA, Tatsuya MURAKAMI and Tsuyoshi IMAI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 033 (2010) <Published on 27 Aug. 2010>

Rapid Communications

Demonstration for Inactivation of Zooplankton by Irradiation with a Pulsed Intense Relativistic Electron Beam
Hironobu KONDO, Hiroki TAKEHARA, Takashi KIKUCHI, Toru SASAKI, Go IMADA and Nob. HARADA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 036 (2010) <Published on 01 Oct. 2010>

Rapid Communications

Mechanism of Structure-Driven Nonlinear Instability of Double Tearing Mode in Reversed Magnetic Shear Plasmas
Miho JANVIER, Yasuaki KISHIMOTO and Jiquan LI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 038 (2010) <Published on 06 Oct. 2010>

Rapid Communications

Deepening of Floating Potential for Tungsten Target Plate on the way to Nanostructure Formation
Shuichi TAKAMURA, Takanori MIYAMOTO and Noriyasu OHNO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 039 (2010) <Published on 08 Oct. 2010>

Rapid Communications

Forced Magnetic Reconnection in Helical Plasmas
Seiya NISHIMURA, Yoshiro NARUSHIMA, Shinichiro TODA, Masatoshi YAGI, Kimitaka ITOH and Sanae -I. ITOH
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 040 (2010) <Published on 08 Oct. 2010>

Rapid Communications

Microscopic and Spectroscopic Observations of Plasma Generation in the Microwave Heating of Powder Material
Akihiro MATSUBARA, Kazuya NAKAYAMA, Shigeki OKAJIMA and Motoyasu SATO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 041 (2010) <Published on 04 Nov. 2010>

Rapid Communications

Real-Time Control of Beam Trajectories Using Digital Signal Processor for the Heavy Ion Beam Probe on the Large Helical Device
Shigetoshi NAKAMURA, Akihiro SHIMIZU, Takeshi IDO, Kazuo TOI, Masaki NISHIURA and LHD Experiment Group
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 043 (2010) <Published on 10 Nov. 2010>

Rapid Communications

Improved Resolution and Stability in a Dispersion Interferometer Using a Modulation Amplitude Ratio
Tsuyoshi AKIYAMA, Kazuo KAWAHATA, Shigeki OKAJIMA and Kazuya NAKAYAMA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 047 (2010) <Published on 30 Nov. 2010>



A δf Drift-Kinetic Simulation for Off-Diagonal Neoclassical Transport Coefficients in Quasi-Symmetric Toroidal Configurations
Akinobu MATSUYAMA and Kiyoshi HANATANI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 005 (2010) <Published on 10 Feb. 2010>


Synthesis of Ammonia through Direct Chemical Reactions between an Atmospheric Nitrogen Plasma Jet and a Liquid
Yuusuke KUBOTA, Kazutaka KOGA, Masatomi OHNO and Tamio HARA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 042 (2010) <Published on 09 Nov. 2010>


Feasibility of a Multi-Pass Thomson Scattering System with Confocal Spherical Mirrors
Junichi HIRATSUKA, Akira EJIRI, Yuichi TAKASE and Takashi YAMAGUCHI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 044 (2010) <Published on 30 Nov. 2010>

Regular Articles

Regular Articles

Collisional-Radiative Model for Spectroscopic Diagnostic of Optically Thick Helium Plasma
Keiji SAWADA, Yusuke YAMADA, Takamasa MIYACHIKA, Naomichi EZUMI, Atsushi IWAMAE and Motoshi GOTO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 001 (2010) <Published on 25 Jan. 2010>

Regular Articles

Magnetic Island Formation by External Cyclic Perturbation in Rotating and Non-rotating Plasmas
Yasutomo ISHII
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 002 (2010) <Published on 25 Jan. 2010>

Regular Articles

Effects of Plasma Resonance on Surface Waves in Axially Non-Uniform Plasmas
Hitoshi HOJO, Yasuyoshi YASAKA and Atsushi MASE
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 006 (2010) <Published on 10 Feb. 2010>

Regular Articles

Weibel Instability in a Bi-Maxwellian Laser Fusion Plasma
Abdelaziz SID, Abdennasser GHEZAL, Azzeddine SOUDANI and Mohamed BEKHOUCHE
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 007 (2010) <Published on 03 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Flute-Mode Stability of Quadrupole-Anchored Tandem Mirror Plasmas
Hitoshi HOJO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 008 (2010) <Published on 24 Feb. 2010>

Regular Articles

Basic Study on the Generation of RF Plasmas in Premixed Oxy-combustion with Methane
Yugo OSAKA, Noriyuki KOBAYASHI, M. A. RAZZAK, Noriyasu OHNO, Shuichi TAKAMURA and Yoshihiko UESUGI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 010 (2010) <Published on 29 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Theoretical Modeling of Transport Barriers in Helical Plasmas
Shinichiro TODA, Kimitaka ITOH and Nobuyoshi OHYABU
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 011 (2010) <Published on 29 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Microscopic Deformation of Tungsten Surfaces by High Energy and High Flux Helium/Hydrogen Particle Bombardment with Short Pulses
Masayuki TOKITANI, Naoaki YOSHIDA, Kazutoshi TOKUNAGA, Hajime SAKAKITA, Satoru KIYAMA, Haruhisa KOGUCHI, Yoichi HIRANO and Suguru MASUZAKI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 012 (2010) <Published on 07 Apr. 2010>

Regular Articles

Formation, Spatiotemporal Dynamics, and Control of Structures in Weakly Developed Drift Wave Turbulence
Olaf GRULKE, Thomas WINDISCH, Christian BRANDT, Stefan ULLRICH and Thomas KLINGER
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 013 (2010) <Published on 12 May 2010>

Regular Articles

Development of a Lithium Beam Probe and Measurement of Density Pedestal in JT-60U
Atsushi KOJIMA, Kensaku KAMIYA, Takaaki FUJITA, Hirotaka KUBO, Harukazu IGUCHI, Naoyuki OYAMA, Takahiro SUZUKI, Yutaka KAMADA and the JT-60 Team
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 015 (2010) <Published on 28 Apr. 2010>

Regular Articles

Gyrokinetic Vlasov Code Including Full Three-dimensional Geometry of Experiments
Masanori NUNAMI, Tomo-Hiko WATANABE and Hideo SUGAMA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 016 (2010) <Published on 07 May 2010>

Regular Articles

Beyond the Intelligent-shell Concept: the Clean-mode-control for Tearing Perturbations
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 017 (2010) <Published on 25 May 2010>

Regular Articles

Improved Open Boundary Model for Plasma Particle Simulations
Hiroki HASEGAWA and Tetsuya SATO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 020 (2010) <Published on 04 Jun. 2010>

Regular Articles

MHD Instabilities in Current Carrying Heliotron Plasmas
Goshi YAMADA, Yuji NAKAMURA and Katsumi KONDO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 021 (2010) <Published on 14 Jun. 2010>

Regular Articles

Change of Resonant Electron Orbits from Trapped to Passing in Fast Wave Current Drive
Kun YAO and Yanping ZHAO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 025 (2010) <Published on 09 Jul. 2010>

Regular Articles

Kinetic Particle Simulation Study of Parallel Heat Transport in Scrape-off Layer Plasmas over a Wide Range of Collisionalities
Aaron FROESE, Tomonori TAKIZUKA and Masatoshi YAGI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 026 (2010) <Published on 02 Aug. 2010>

Regular Articles

Monte Carlo Study Based on a Real Coordinate System for Tangentially Injected High-Energy Particles in the Large Helical Device
Ryosuke SEKI, Yutaka MATSUMOTO, Yasuhiro SUZUKI, Kiyomasa WATANABE, Kiyotaka HAMAMATSU and Masafumi ITAGAKI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 027 (2010) <Published on 02 Aug. 2010>

Regular Articles

Magnetic Axial Dependency of Hα Emission Location in Peripheral Plasmas of Large Helical Device as Determined by Plasma Polarization Spectroscopy
Atsushi IWAMAE, Atsushi SAKAUE, Nobuhiro NESHI, Jun YANAGIBAYASHI, Masahiro HASUO, Daisuke NAKAMURA, Keiji SAWADA, Motoshi GOTO and Shigeru MORITA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 032 (2010) <Published on 27 Aug. 2010>

Regular Articles

Studies of MHD Stability Using Data Mining Technique in Helical Plasmas
Satoshi YAMAMOTO, David PRETTY, Boyd BLACKWELL, Kazunobu NAGASAKI, Hiroyuki OKADA, Fumimichi SANO, Tohru MIZUUCHI, Shinji KOBAYASHI, Katsumi KONDO, Ruben JIMÉNEZ-GÓMEZ, Enrique ASCASÍBAR, Kazuo TOI and Satoshi OHDACHI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 034 (2010) <Published on 01 Oct. 2010>

Regular Articles

Comparison of Au and Pt Foils for an Imaging Bolometer
Byron J. PETERSON, Evgeny A. DRAPIKO, Dongcheol SEO and Naoko ASHIKAWA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 035 (2010) <Published on 01 Oct. 2010>

Regular Articles

Effect of Magnetic Island Associated with Neoclassical Tearing Modes on Plasma Rotation in JT-60U
Akihiko ISAYAMA, Go MATSUNAGA, Yasutomo ISHII, Yoshiteru SAKAMOTO, Shinichi MORIYAMA, Yutaka KAMADA, Takahisa OZEKI and the JT-60 team
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 037 (2010) <Published on 06 Oct. 2010>

Regular Articles

Relativistic Degeneracy Effect on Propagation of Arbitrary Amplitude Ion-Acoustic Solitons in Thomas-Fermi Plasmas
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, 045 (2010) <Published on 25 Nov. 2010>

Regular Articles

High-Density, Low Temperature Ignited Operations in FFHR
Osamu MITARAI, Akio SAGARA, Ryuichi SAKAMOTO, Nobuyoshi OHYABU, Akio KOMORI and Osamu MOTOJIMA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1001 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Wendelstein 7-X – a Technology Step towards Demo
Hans-Stephan BOSCH and the Wendelstein 7-X Team
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1002 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Advanced Tokamak Research in JT-60U and JT-60SA
Akihiko ISAYAMA for the JT-60 team
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1003 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Experimental Confinement Studies Beyond ITER
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1005 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Status and High Power Performance of the 10-MW 140-GHz ECH System for the Stellarator Wendelstein 7-X
Manfred THUMM, Peter BRAND, Harald BRAUNE, Günter DAMMERTZ, Volker ERCKMANN, Gerd GANTENBEIN, Stefan ILLY, Walter KASPAREK, Stefan KERN, Heinrich P. LAQUA, Carsten LECHTE, Wolfgang LEONHARDT, Nikolai B. MARUSHCHENKO, Georg MICHEL, Bernhard PIOSCZYK, Martin SCHMID, Yuri TURKIN and Michael WEISSGERBER
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1006 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Steady-State Operation Scenario and the First Experimental Result on QUEST
Kazuaki HANADA, Kohnosuke SATO, Hideki ZUSHI, Kazuo NAKAMURA, Mizuki SAKAMOTO, Hiroshi IDEI, Makoto HASEGAWA, Yuichi TAKASE, Osamu MITARAI, Takashi MAEKAWA, Yasuaki KISHIMOTO, Masaki ISHIGURO, Tomokazu YOSHINAGA, Hiroe IGAMI, Nobuhiro NISHINO, Hiroshi HONMA, Shoji KAWASAKI, Hisatoshi NAKASHIMA, Aki HIGASHIJIMA, Yuta HIGASHIZONO, Akira ANDO, Nobuyuki ASAKURA, Akira EJIRI, Yoshihiko HIROOKA, Akio ISHIDA, Akio KOMORI, Makoto MATSUKAWA, Osamu MOTOJIMA, Yuichi OGAWA, Noriyasu OHNO, Yasushi ONO, Martin PENG, Shigeru SUDO, Hiroshi YAMADA, Naoaki YOSHIDA and Zensho YOSHIDA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1007 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Status of Plasma Facing Material Studies and Issues toward DEMO
Yoshio UEDA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1009 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Spatial Heterodyne Spectro-Polarimetry Systems for Imaging Key Plasma Parameters in Fusion Devices
John HOWARD, Ahmed DIALLO, Roger JASPERS and Jinil CHUNG
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1010 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

From Wendelstein 7-X to a Stellarator Reactor
Robert C. WOLF, Craig D. BEIDLER, Rainer BURHENN, Joachim GEIGER, Matthias HIRSCH, Johann KISSLINGER, Henning MAAßBERG, Arthur WELLER, Andreas WERNER and the Wendelstein 7-X Team
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1011 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

The Lithium Wall Stellarator Experiment in TJ-II
Francisco L. TABARÉS, David TAFALLA, Jose A. FERREIRA, Maria A OCHANDO, Francisco MEDINA, Enrique ASCASIBAR, Teresa ESTRADA, Candida FUENTES, Isabel GARCÍA-CORTÉS, Jose GUASP, Macarena LINIERS, Ignacio PASTOR, Maria A. PEDROSA and the TJ-II Team
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1012 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Present Progress of Plasma Transport Study on HL-2A
Xuantong DING, Weiwen XIAO, Xiaolan ZOU, Hongjuan SUN, Yi LIU, Lianghua YAO, Jun RAO, Beibing FENG, Zetian LIU, Yan ZHOU Qingwei YANG, Longwen YAN, Jiaqi DONG, Xuru DUAN and HL-2A team
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1013 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Optimization of the Accelerators for the ITER Neutral Beam Injector Project
Vanni ANTONI, Piero AGOSTINETTI, Marco CAVENAGO, Hubert P. L. DE ESCH, Gwenael FUBIANI, Nicola PILAN, Gianluigi SERIANNI, Pierluigi VELTRI, Mieko KASHIWAGI, Masaki TANIGUCHI, Naotaka UMEDA, Takashi INOUE and NBI RFX TEAM
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1014 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Potential Measurement with the 6-MeV Heavy Ion Beam Probe of LHD
Akihiro SHIMIZU, Takeshi IDO, Masaki NISHIURA, Shigetoshi NAKAMURA, Harushisa NAKANO, Shinsuke OHSHIMA, Akimitsu NISHIZAWA, Masayuki YOKOYAMA, Yasuo YOSHIMURA, Shin KUBO, Takashi SHIMOZUMA, Hiroe IGAMI, Hiromi TAKAHASHI, Naoki TAMURA, Ichihiro YAMADA, Takashi MINAMI, Kazumichi NARIHARA, Tsuyoshi AKIYAMA, Tokihiko TOKUZAWA, Kenji TANAKA, Kazuo KAWAHATA, Kazuo TOI, Mitsutaka ISOBE, Fumitake WATANABE, Kunihiro OGAWA, Kenichi NAGAOKA, Katsunori IKEDA, Masaki OSAKABE, Katsuyoshi TSUMORI, Yasuhiko TAKEIRI, Osamu KANEKO, Shinji KATO, Mitsuhiro YOKOTA, Yasuji HAMADA and LHD Group
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1015 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Intrinsic Rotation of a Magnetic Island with Finite Width
Ken UZAWA, Akihiro ISHIZAWA and Noriyoshi NAKAJIMA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1016 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Electron Parallel Heat Transport in the Scrape-off Layer Using a Particle-in-Cell Code
Aaron FROESE, Tomonori TAKIZUKA and Masatoshi YAGI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1017 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Numerical Simulation on the Flute Instabilities in the GAMMA10 Magnetic Field
Isao KATANUMA, Katsuya YASHIRO, Tsuyoshi IMAI and Vladimir P. PASTUKHOV
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1018 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Maximum Entropy Analysis of the 2D Density Turbulence Measured by MIR in TPE-RX
Zhongbing SHI, Yoshio NAGAYAMA, Soichiro YAMAGUCHI, Daisuke KUWAHARA, Tomokazu YOSHINAGA, Shoji SUGITO, Yoichi HIRANO, Haruhisa KOGUCHI, Satoru KIYAMA, Hajime SAKAKITA, Kiyoyuki YAMBE and Clive MICHAEL
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1019 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

1D Modeling of LHD Divertor Plasma and Hydrogen Recycling
Gakushi KAWAMURA, Yukihiro TOMITA, Masahiro KOBAYASHI and David TSKHAKAYA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1020 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Application of Zeff Profile Analysis Based on Visible Bremsstrahlung Measurement to Different Density Profiles in the LHD
Hangyu ZHOU, Shigeru MORITA, Motoshi GOTO, Kazumichi NARIHARA and Ichihiro YAMADA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1021 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Transport Analysis of High-Z Impurities Including Sawtooth Effects in a Tokamak System
Ikuhiro YAMADA, Kozo YAMAZAKI, Tetsutarou OISHI, Hideki ARIMOTO and Tatsuo SHOJI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1022 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Formation Condition of Fiberform Nanostructured Tungsten by Helium Plasma Exposure
Wataru SAKAGUCHI, Shin KAJITA, Noriyasu OHNO, Makoto TAKAGI and Hiroaki KURISHITA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1023 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Influence of Neutral Beam Injection Direction and Magnetic Axis Position on Fast Ion Distribution Function in Large Helical Device
Evgeny Alexandrovitch VESHCHEV, Tetsuo OZAKI, Tsuguhiro WATANABE, Shigeru SUDO and LHD Experimental Group
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1024 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Analysis of Particle Orbits in a Spherical Tokamak-Stellarator Hybrid System (TOKASTAR) and Experiments in the Compact-TOKASTAR Device
Yuichi TAIRA, Kozo YAMAZAKI, Hideki ARIMOTO, Tetsutarou OISHI and Tatsuo SHOJI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1025 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Split and Segmented-Type Helical Coils for the Heliotron Fusion Energy Reactor
Nagato YANAGI, Kiyohiko NISHIMURA, Gourab BANSAL, Akio SAGARA and Osamu MOTOJIMA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1026 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Environmental and Economical Assessment of Various Fusion Reactors by the Calculation of CO2 Emission Amounts
Satoshi UEMURA, Kozo YAMAZAKI, Hideki ARIMOTO, Tetsutarou OISHI and Tatsuo SHOJI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1027 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Practical Calculation of Nuclear Fusion Power for a Toroidal Plasma Device with Magnetic Confinement
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1028 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Mode-Content Analysis and Field Reconstruction of Propagating Waves in Corrugated Waveguides of an ECH System
Takashi SHIMOZUMA, Hiroshi IDEI, Michael A. SHAPIRO, Richard J. TEMKIN, Shin KUBO, Hiroe IGAMI, Yasuo YOSHIMURA, Hiromi TAKAHASHI, Satoshi ITO, Sakuji KOBAYASHI, Yoshinori MIZUNO, Yasuyuki TAKITA and Takashi MUTOH
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1029 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

ICRF Heating in Helical Reactor
Kenji SAITO, Tetsuo SEKI, Ryuhei KUMAZAWA, Hiroshi KASAHARA, Fujio SHIMPO, Goro NOMURA and Takashi MUTOH
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1030 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Flux Supply of a Field-Reversed Configuration by NBI Heating
Fusaki P. IIZIMA and Toshiki TAKAHASHI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1031 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Investigation of the Clustering Condition for Various Gasses Ejected from a Fast Solenoid Valve for Supersonic Cluster Beam Injection
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1032 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Spectroscopic Diagnostics for Spatial Density Distribution of Plasmoid by Pellet Injection in the Large Helical Device
Gen MOTOJIMA, Ryuichi SAKAMOTO, Motoshi GOTO, Hiroshi YAMADA and LHD experiment group
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1033 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Study of Pd Membrane Electrode in Solid Electrolyte Hydrogen (Isotopes) Sensor for Application to Liquid Blankets
Tomoko OHSHIMA , Masatoshi KONDO , Masahiro TANAKA and Takeo MUROGA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1034 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Conceptual Design and Development of an Indirect-cooled Superconducting Helical Coil in the FFHR
Hitoshi TAMURA, Kazuya TAKAHATA, Toshiyuki MITO, Shinsaku IMAGAWA and Akio SAGARA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1035 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Long-Term Thermal Stability of Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels as Structural Materials of Fusion Blanket
Yanfen LI, Takuya NAGASAKA and Takeo MUROGA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1036 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Development of a High-Speed VUV Camera System for 2-Dimensional Imaging of Edge Turbulent Structure in the LHD
Masaki TAKEUCHI, Satoshi OHDACHI and LHD experimental group
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1037 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Collective Thomson Scattering Study Using Gyrotron in LHD
Shin KUBO, Masaki NISHIURA, Kenji TANAKA, Takashi SHIMOZUMA, Yoshinori TATEMATSU, Takashi NOTAKE, Teruo SAITO, Yasuo YOSHIMURA, Hiroe IGAMI, Hiromi TAKAHASHI and Namiko TAMURA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1038 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Observation of Space and Energy Distributions of High Energy Electrons Produced in ECH Plasmas of LHD
Sadatsugu MUTO, Shigeru MORITA, Shin KUBO, Hiroe IGAMI, Yasuo YOSHIMURA, Hiromi TAKAHASHI, Takashi SHIMOZUMA and LHD Experimental Group
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1039 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Simultaneous Measurement of Electron and Ion Temperatures with Helium-like Argon X-Ray Spectrum
Motoshi GOTO and Shigeru MORITA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1040 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Conceptual Design of a Dispersion Interferometer Using a Ratio of Modulation Amplitudes
Tsuyoshi AKIYAMA, Kazuo KAWAHATA, Shigeki OKAJIMA and Kazuya NAKAYAMA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1041 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Clustered Data Storage for Multi-Site Fusion Experiments
Hideya NAKANISHI, Mamoru KOJIMA, Masaki OHSUNA, Setsuo IMAZU, Miki NONOMURA, Takashi YAMAMOTO, Masahiko EMOTO, Yoshio NAGAYAMA, Kazuo KAWAHATA, LHD exp. group, Makoto HASEGAWA, Aki HIGASHIJIMA, Kazuo NAKAMURA and Masayuki YOSHIKAWA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1042 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Multi-Channel Neutron Emission and Triton Burn-up Measurement on JT-60U Using Digital Signal Processors
Keiichi ISHII, Kouji SHINOHARA, Masao ISHIKAWA, Toshio OKUJI, Mamoru BABA, Mitsutaka ISOBE, Sumio KITAJIMA and Mamiko SASAO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1043 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Toroidal Flow Velocity Profile of Impurity Ions in Field-Reversed Configuration Plasma
Tatsuya IKEDA, Toshiki TAKAHASHI, Tomohiko ASAI and Tsutomu TAKAHASHI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1044 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Measurement of Edge Plasma Heat Flux in Heliotron J Using a Thermal Probe
Hiroto MATSUURA, Ken NAKANO, Katsuyuki HOSAKA, Kenichi NAGAOKA, Takashi MUTOH, Hiroyuki OKADA, Shinji KOBAYASHI, Tohru MIZUUCHI, Katsumi KONDO and Fumimichi SANO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1045 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

A Movable Thomson Scattering System Based on Optical Fibers (TS-Probe)
Kazumichi NARIHARA and Hiroshi HAYASHI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1046 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

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Numerical Analysis of Slow-Wave Instabilities in an Oversized Sinusoidally Corrugated Waveguide Driven by a Finitely Thick Annular Electron Beam
Kosuke OTUBO, Kazuo OGURA, Mitsuhisa YAMAKAWA and Yusuke TAKASHIMA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1047 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Algebraic Analysis Approach for Multibody Problems II
Shun-ichi OIKAWA, Koichiro HIGASHI and Hideo FUNASAKA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1048 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Experimental Study of Slow Cyclotron Maser Operation in Weakly Relativistic Region
Kiyoshi BANSHO, Kazuo OGURA, Hiroaki OE, Yusuke KAZAHARI, Hiroshi IIZUKA, Akira SUGAWARA, Takashi SHIMOZUMA, Sakuji KOBAYASHI and Kohji OKADA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1049 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Preliminary Study of Uncertainty-Driven Plasma Diffusion
Shun-ichi OIKAWA, Tsuyoshi OIWA and Takahiro SHIMAZAKI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1050 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Binary Interaction Approximation to N-Body Problems
Shun-ichi OIKAWA and Hideo FUNASAKA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S1051 (2010) <Published on 26 Mar. 2010>

Regular Articles

Physics of Heliotron J Confinement
Fumimichi SANO, Tohru MIZUUCHI, Kazunobu NAGASAKI, Kiyoshi HANATANI, Hiroyuki OKADA, Yuji NAKAMURA, Takashi MINAMI, Shinji KOBAYASHI, Satoshi YAMAMOTO, Shigeru KONOSHIMA, Shinsuke OHSHIMA, Masaki TAKEUCHI, Yoshiyuki IJIRI, Keiji YAGUCHI, Tohru SENJU, Masashi SHIBANO, Kiyoshi TOHSHI, Kinzou SAKAMOTO, Akinobu MATSUYAMA, Kiyofumi MUKAI, Keishi MINAMI, Shintarou KISHI, Hyunyong LEE, Yu TAKABATAKE, Hiroaki YASHIRO, Kento YAMAMOTO, Kohta NOMURA, Masashige SUWA, Hayao YOSHINO, Sadayoshi MURAKAMI, Takashi MUTOH, Yasuhiko TAKEIRI, Kenichi NAGAOKA, Shoichi OKAMURA, Kiyomasa Y. WATANABE, Masayuki YOKOYAMA, Yasuhiro SUZUKI, Yasuo YOSHIMURA, Shin NISHIMURA, Naoki TAMURA, Satoru SAKAKIBARA, Gen MOTOJIMA, Nobuhiro NISHINO, Takeshi FUKUDA, Yousuke NAKASHIMA, Zhen FENG, Qingwei YANG, Angela FERNÁNDEZ, Alvaro CAPPA, Victor TRIBALDOS, Boyd D. BLACKWELL and Viktor V. CHECHKIN
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2003 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Progress in Impurity-Related Physics Experiments in LHD
Shigeru MORITA, Chunfeng DONG, Motoshi GOTO, Masahiro KOBAYASHI, Sadatsugu MUTO, Kozo YAMAZAKI, Masayuki YOKOYAMA, Hangyu ZHOU, Tsuyoshi AKIYAMA, Naoko ASHIKAWA, Zhengying CUI, Keisuke FUJII, Xiang GAO, Masahiro HASUO, Katsumi IDA, Katsunori IKEDA, Atsushi IWAMAE, Osamu KANEKO, Suguru MASUZAKI, Junichi MIYAZAWA, Tomohiro MORISAKI, Kenichi NAGAOKA, Kazumichi NARIHARA, Satoshi OHDACHI, Masaki OSAKABE, Satoru SAKAKIBARA, Ryuichi SAKAMOTO, Mamoru SHOJI, Yasuhiko TAKEIRI, Kenji TANAKA, Kazuo TOI, Masayuki TOKITANI, Tokihiko TOKUZAWA, Katsuyoshi TSUMORI, Kiyomasa WATANABE, Hiroshi YAMADA, Ichihiro YAMADA, Jun YANAGIBAYASHI, Mikiro YOSHINUMA, Akio KOMORI and LHD experiment group
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2004 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Interaction of Mean and Oscillating Plasma Flows Across Confinement Mode Transitions
Garrard D. CONWAY, Emanuele POLI, Tim HAPPEL and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2005 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Magnetic Reconnection Controlled by Multi-Hierarchy Physics in an Open System
Ritoku HORIUCHI, Shunsuke USAMI, Hiroaki OHTANI and Toseo MORITAKA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2006 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Emission of Visible Light by Hot Dense Metals
Richard M. MORE, Motoshi GOTO, Frank GRAZIANI, Pavel NI and Hitoki YONEDA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2007 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Development of Advanced Tokamak Operation Scenarios in JT-60U and JT-60SA
Takahiro SUZUKI and the JT-60 Team
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2008 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Plasma-Wall Interaction Study towards the Steady State Operation
Mizuki SAKAMOTO, Yuta HIGASHIZONO, Hideki ZUSHI, Kazuo NAKAMURA, Kazuaki HANADA, Hiroshi IDEI, Makoto HASEGAWA, Younosuke NAKASHIMA, Masayuki TOKITANI, Mitsutaka MIYAMOTO, Kazutoshi TOKUNAGA, Shoji KAWASAKI, Hisatoshi NAKASHIMA, Tadashi FUJIWARA, Aki HIGASHIJIMA, Naoaki YOSHIDA and Kohnosuke SATO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2009 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Study of Fluctuation Suppression during Potential Formation in the Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10
Masayuki YOSHIKAWA, Yoshiaki MIYATA, Masanori MIZUGUCHI, Neo IMAI, Hitoshi HOJO, Makoto ICHIMURA, Tsuyoshi KARIYA, Isao KATANUMA, Yousuke NAKASHIMA, Ryutaro MINAMI, Hiroyuki SHIDARA, Yuusuke YAMAGUCHI, Yoriko SHIMA, Youhei OONO, Fumiaki YAGUCHI and Tsuyoshi IMAI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2010 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Electron Bernstein Waves at the WEGA Stellarator Heating and Emission
Matthias OTTE, Heinrich P. LAQUA, Enrico CHLECHOWITZ, Michael GLAUBITZ, Stefan MARSEN, Yuriy Y. PODOBA, Torsten STANGE, Friedrich WAGNER, Robert WOLF and Daihong ZHANG
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2011 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Atomic Charge-Changing Processes in Plasmas
Viacheslav P. SHEVELKO, Daiji KATO, Hiro TAWARA and Inga Yu. TOLSTIKHINA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2012 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Blobs on the High Field Side of Tokamaks
José VICENTE, Serguei I. LASHKUL, Michael TENDLER, Serguei V. SHATALIN, Elena VEKSHINA, Anton V. SIDOROV and Lev A. ESIPOV
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2013 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Experimental Study of Turbulence and Zonal Flow in Edge Plasmas of the HL-2A Tokamak
Jiaqi DONG, Kaijun ZHAO, Longwen YAN, Wenyu HONG, Changxuan YU, Akihide FUJISAWA, Jun QIAN, Jun CHENG, Adi LIU, Tao LAN, Hailin ZHAO, Defeng KONG, Yi LIU, Yuan HUANG, Qiang LI, Xianming SONG, Qingwei YANG, Xuantong DING, Xuru DUAN and Yong LIU
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2014 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Turbulence Evolution in Plasma Shear Flows
Vladimir S. MIKHAILENKO, Vladimir V. MIKHAILENKO and Konstantin N. STEPANOV
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2015 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Nonlinear Mode Couplings in a Cylindrical Magnetized Plasma
Takuma YAMADA, Sanae-I. ITOH, Shigeru INAGAKI, Yoshihiko NAGASHIMA, Shunjiro SHINOHARA, Naohiro KASUYA, Kenichiro TERASAKA, Kunihiro KAMATAKI, Hiroyuki ARAKAWA, Masatoshi YAGI, Akihide FUJISAWA and Kimitaka ITOH
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2016 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Fast Reconnection in Low-density Hydrogen and Pair Plasmas
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2017 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Overview of ELM Control by Low n Magnetic Perturbations on JET
Yunfeng LIANG, Hans-Rudolf KOSLOWSKI, Stefan JACHMICH, Alberto ALFIER, Christopher G. GIMBLETT, Eric NARDON, Philippa K. BROWNING, Peter DEVOY, Thomas EICH, Carine GIROUD, Geoffrey MADDISON, Peter T. LANG, Mikhail P. GRYAZNEVICH, Derek HARTING, Martin HEYN, Samuli SAARELMA, Youwen SUN, Ronald WENNINGER, Christopher WIEGMANN, Tao ZHANG and JET-EFDA Contributors
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2018 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Study of Alfvén Eigenmodes in the TJ-II Stellarator
Alexander V. MELNIKOV, Leonid G. ELISEEV, Ruben JIMÉNEZ-GÓMEZ, Enrique ASCASIBAR, Carlos HIDALGO, Alexander A. CHMYGA, Takeshi IDO, Sergey M. KHREBTOV, Axel KÖNIES, Alexander D. KOMAROV, Alexander S. KOZACHEK, Ivan A. KRASILNIKOV, Ludmila I. KRUPNIK, Macarena LINIERS, Sergey E. LYSENKO, Victor A. MAVRIN, Keinichi NAGAOKA, Maria A. OCHANDO, Jose L. DE PABLOS, Maria A. PEDROSA, Stanislav V. PERFILOV, Andrei I. SMOLYAKOV, Yuri I. TASCHEV, Mikhail V. UFIMTSEV, Satoshi YAMAMOTO and Alexander I. ZHEZHERA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2019 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Examination of Temperature Dependence of Chemical Sputtering on Graphite by Comparing the Langevin and Berendsen Thermostats
Atsushi M. ITO, Hisashi OKUMURA, Seiki SAITO and Hiroaki NAKAMURA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2020 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Analysis of Fe XXI Spectral Lines Measured in LHD Plasma
Izumi MURAKAMI, Hiroyuki A. SAKAUE, Norimasa YAMAMOTO, Daiji KATO, Shigeru MORITA and Tetsuya WATANABE
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2021 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Helical Pitch Parameter Dependency of High Beta Equilibrium of Helical Plasmas
Tsuguhiro WATANABE and Hitoshi HOJO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2022 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Study of the Effect of the Helical Ripple Transport on the Confinement via Zonal Flows in Helical Plasmas
Shinichiro TODA and Kimitaka ITOH
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2023 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Quantum Mechanical Plasma Scattering
Shun-ichi OIKAWA, Tsuyoshi OIWA and Takahiro SHIMAZAKI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2024 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Preliminary Study of Uncertainty-Driven Plasma Diffusion II
Shun-ichi OIKAWA, Takahiro SHIMAZAKI and Tsuyoshi OIWA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2025 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Application of Algebraic Approximation to Three Dimensional Multibody Coulomb Problem: Implementation of GPGPU
Shun-ichi OIKAWA, Koichiro HIGASHI and Yutaka MATSUMOTO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2026 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Analysis of D/T Fuel Ratio in Power Plant Plasmas Using Integrated Equilibrium-Transport Simulation Code TOTAL
Tetsutarou OISHI, Kozo YAMAZAKI, Hideki ARIMOTO and Tatsuo SHOJI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2027 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Experimental Studies of Helical Nonneutral Plasmas with a Helical Magnetic Axis
Daichi SUGIMOTO, Haruhiko HIMURA, Hiroyuki OKADA, Satoshi YAMAMOTO, Shinji KOBAYASHI, Tohru MIZUUCHI, Sadao MASAMUNE and Fumimichi SANO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2028 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Parameter Regime of Ion Internal Transport Barrier Formation in the Large Helical Device
Kenichi NAGAOKA, Yasuhiko TAKEIRI, Katsumi IDA, Mikiro YOSHINUMA, Shigeru MORITA, Naoki TAMURA, Takeshi IDO, Akihiro SHIMIZU, Katsunori IKEDA, Masaki OSAKABE, Katsuyoshi TSUMORI, Haruhisa NAKANO and LHD Experiment Group
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2029 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Self-Consistent Pressure and Current Profiles in High-Beta D-3He Tokamak Reactors
Koichi UMEDA, Kozo YAMAZAKI, Tetsutarou OISHI, Hideki ARIMOTO and Tatsuo SHOJI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2030 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Characteristic of a Repetitively Injected Spheromak in a Vertical Guide-Field
Hirotomo ITAGAKI, Hiroto NUMAZAWA, Kaori KISHI, Yuki TERASHIMA, Yuki FUJITA, Takeshi AWANE, Tomohiko ASAI, Tsutomu TAKAHASHI and Yoichi HIRANO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2031 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Comparison of Hydrogen and Deuterium Plasmas in ECH Start-Up Experiment in the TST-2 Spherical Tokamak
Osamu WATANABE, Akira EJIRI, Hiroki KURASHINA, Takuya OHSAKO, Yoshihiko NAGASHIMA, Takashi YAMAGUCHI, Takuya SAKAMOTO, Byung Il AN, Hiroyuki HAYASHI, Hiroaki KOBAYASHI, Kotaro YAMADA, Hidetoshi KAKUDA, Junichi HIRATSUKA, Kentaro HANASHIMA, Takuma WAKATSUKI and Yuichi TAKASE
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2032 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Analysis of Radiative Mantle Formation by Impurity Seeding in ITER
Ikuhiro YAMADA, Kozo YAMAZAKI, Tetsutarou OISHI, Hideki ARIMOTO and Tatsuo SHOJI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2033 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Analysis of Internal Transport Barrier Formation in Tokamak Reactor Plasmas
Yoshihito HORI, Kozo YAMAZAKI, Tetsutarou OISHI, Hideki ARIMOTO and Tatsuo SHOJI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2034 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Control of Neoclassical Tearing Mode by Electron Cyclotron Current Drive and Non-Resonant Helical Field Application in ITER
Satoshi TANIGUCHI, Kozo YAMAZAKI, Tetsutarou OISHI, Hideki ARIMOTO and Tatsuo SHOJI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2035 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Initial Plasma Confinement Experiments in Tokamak-Helical Hybrid Device TOKASTAR-2
Kazuhisa BABA, Kozo YAMAZAKI, Hideki ARIMOTO, Tetsutarou OISHI, Koki OKANO, Makoto HASEGAWA and Tatsuo SHOJI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2036 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Construction and Plasma Initiation of the Tokamak-Helical Hybrid Device TOKASTAR-2
Koki OKANO, Kozo Yamazaki, Hideki ARIMOTO, Tetsutarou OISHI, Kazuhisa BABA, Makoto HASEGAWA and Tatsuo SHOJI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2037 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Axisymmetric Eigenmodes of Spheroidal Pure Electron Plasmas
Yosuke KAWAI, Jun AOKI and Yasuhito KIWAMOTO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2038 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

New QP/QI Symmetric Stellarator Configurations
Donald A. SPONG and Jeffrey H. HARRIS
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2039 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Transport Simulation of Helical Plasmas Using the TASK/TX Code
Masaki MIKI, Atsushi FUKUYAMA and Mitsuru HONDA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2040 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Effects of Magnetic Islands Produced by External Perturbation Fields in the Tohoku University Heliac
Sumio KITAJIMA, Junya SATO, Keiichi ISHII, Takanori AMBO, Mamoru KANNO, Atsushi OKAMOTO, Mamiko SASAO, Shigeru INAGAKI, Masakazu TAKAYAMA, Kiyohiko NISHIMURA, Yasuhiro SUZUKI, Masayuki YOKOYAMA and Hiromi TAKAHASHI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2041 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Evaluation of Fast-Ion Confinement Using a Radially Injected Neutral Beam in the LHD
Masaki OSAKABE, Sadayoshi MURAKAMI, Takafumi ITOH, Mitsutaka ISOBE, Shinji KOBAYASHI, Tokihiko TOKUZAWA, Kenichi NAGAOKA, Haruhisa NAKANO, Katsuyoshi TSUMORI, Katsunori IKEDA, Yasuhiko TAKEIRI, Osamu KANEKO and LHD-group
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2042 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Role of Flute Modes in the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror
Isao KATANUMA, Kotaro YAGI, Nobuyuki ICHIOKA, Shun MASAKI, Yosuke NAKASHIMA, Makoto ICHIMURA and Tsuyoshi IMAI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2043 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Probability Density Function of Density Fluctuations in Cylindrical Helicon Plasmas
Hiroyuki ARAKAWA, Shigeru INAGAKI, Yoshihiko NAGASHIMA, Takuma YAMADA, Kunihiro KAMATAKI, Tatsuya KOBAYASHI, Satoru SUGITA, Masatoshi YAGI, Naohiro KASUYA, Akihide FUJISAWA, Sanae -I. ITOH and Kimitaka ITOH
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2044 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Plasma Imaging by Using a High-speed Camera in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
Ryo YONENAGA, Yousuke NAKASHIMA, Nobuhiro NISHINO, Yuta HIGASHIZONO, Shinji KOBAYASHI, Katsuhiro HOSOI, Hiroki OZAWA, Takashi ISHII, Hisato TAKEDA, Hiroyuki SHIDARA and Tsuyoshi IMAI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2045 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

ECRH Superposition on Linear Cylindrical Helicon Plasma in the LMD-U
Kunihiro KAMATAKI, Sanae-I. ITOH, Shigeru INAGAKI, Hiroyuki ARAKAWA, Yoshihiko NAGASHIMA, Takuma YAMADA, Masatoshi YAGI, Akihide FUJISAWA and Kimitaka ITOH
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2046 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Bispectral Analysis of Density and Potential Fluctuations in a High Neutral Density Cylindrical Plasma
Tatsuya KOBAYASHI, Shigeru INAGAKI, Hiroyuki ARAKAWA, Kunihiro KAMATAKI, Yoshihiko NAGASHIMA, Takuma YAMADA, Satoru SUGITA, Masatoshi YAGI, Naohiro KASUYA, Akihide FUJISAWA, Sanae -I. ITOH and Kimitaka ITOH
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2047 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Orthonormal Divergence-Free Wavelet Analysis of Energy Transfer in Hall MHD Turbulence
Keisuke ARAKI and Hideaki MIURA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2048 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Fluctuation Measurement in the Edge Plasma on TST-2
Yoshihiko NAGASHIMA, Jun'ichi OZAKI, Masateru SONEHARA, Yuichi TAKASE, Akira EJIRI, Kotaro YAMADA, Hidetoshi KAKUDA, Shigeru INAGAKI, Takuya OOSAKO, Byung Il AN, Hiroyuki HAYASHI, Kentaro HANASHIMA, Junichi HIRATSUKA, Hiroaki KOBAYASHI, Hiroki KURASHINA, Hazuki MATSUZAWA, Takuya SAKAMOTO, Takashi YAMAGUCHI, Osamu WATANABE and Takuma WAKATSUKI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2049 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Gyrokinetic Study of the Local Entropy Dynamics in Turbulent Plasmas with Zonal Flow
Kenji IMADERA, Yasuaki KISHIMOTO, Jiquan LI and Takayuki UTSUMI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2050 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Collisionless Dynamical Friction and Relaxation in a Simple Drift Wave-Zonal Flow Turbulence
Yusuke KOSUGA and Patrick H. DIAMOND
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2051 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Parallel Ion Flow Velocity Measurement Using Laser Induced Fluorescence Method in an Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma
Shinji YOSHIMURA, Atsushi OKAMOTO, Kenichiro TERASAKA, Kohei OGIWARA, Mitsutoshi ARAMAKI and Masayoshi Y. TANAKA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2052 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Turbulence Response in the High Ti Discharge of the LHD
Kenji TANAKA, Clive MICHAEL, Leonid VYACHESLAVOV, Hisamichi FUNABA, Masayuki YOKOYAMA, Katsumi IDA, Mikiro YOSHINUMA, Kenichi NAGAOKA, Sadayoshi MURAKAMI, Arimitsu WAKASA, Takeshi IDO, Akihiro SHIMIZU, Masaki NISHIURA, Yasuhiko TAKEIRI, Osamu KANEKO, Katsuyoshi TSUMORI, Katsunori IKEDA, Masaki OSAKABE, Kazuo KAWAHATA and LHD Experiment Group
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2053 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Theory of Diamagnetic Signal in Current-Free Stellarators
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2054 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of Kink Instability and Plasma Flow during Sustainment of a Coaxial Gun Spheromak
Takashi KANKI, Masayoshi NAGATA and Yasuhiro KAGEI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2055 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Investigation of Trigger Mechanism in the Explosive Nonlinear Growth of the Double Tearing Mode
Miho JANVIER, Yasuaki KISHIMOTO and Jiquan LI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2056 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Numerical Diagnostics of the Electrostatic Potential Perturbed by Magnetic Islands
Seiya NISHIMURA, Naohiro KASUYA, Masatoshi YAGI, Kimitaka ITOH, Sanae-I. ITOH and Nobuyoshi OHYABU
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2057 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Toroidal Spin-Up and Velocity Shear of a Field-Reversed Configuration Plasma
Yuuki KOMORIYA, Yasuyuki HIRAYAMA, Yasuyuki FUJIKAWA, Tomohiko ASAI, Tsutomu TAKAHASHI, Yoshiki MATSUZAWA and Toshiki TAKAHASHI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2058 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Influences of Short-Wave Truncations to Spectral Energy Budget in Hall MHD Turbulence
Hideaki MIURA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2059 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Plasmoid Motion in Helical Plasmas
Ryuichi ISHIZAKI and Noriyoshi NAKAJIMA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2060 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Density Regimes of Low-Aspect-Ratio RFP Plasmas in RELAX
Masaki SUGIHARA, Kensuke OKI, Ryuya IKEZOE, Takumi ONCHI, Akio SANPEI, Haruhiko HIMURA, Sadao MASAMUNE, Tsuyoshi AKIYAMA, Akira EJIRI, Keishi SAKAMOTO, Kazunobu NAGASAKI and Vladimir ZHURAVLEV
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2061 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Simulation Study of Ballooning Modes in the Large Helical Device
Yasushi TODO, Noriyoshi NAKAJIMA, Masahiko SATO and Hideaki MIURA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2062 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Recent Progress in Low-A RFP Plasma Research in RELAX
Akio SANPEI, Ryuya IKEZOE, Takumi ONCHI, Kensuke OKI, Masaki SUGIHARA, Yuusuke KONISHI, Shin-ichi FUJITA, Mitsuru NAKAMURA, Akio HIGASHI, Hidehiko MOTOI, Haruhiko HIMURA and Sadao MASAMUNE
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2063 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Detrapping Mechanism of Ultrarelativistic Electrons from an Oblique Shock Wave
Kenta SHIKII and Mieko TOIDA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2064 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Repeated Acceleration of Thermal Ions by an Oblique Shock Wave and Associated Whistler Instabilities
Mieko TOIDA and Taku GOHIRA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2065 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Role of Negative Potential Barrier Formed by Electrons Confined in the Stochastic Magnetic Region of Helical Nonneutral Plasmas
Haruhiko HIMURA, Mitsutaka ISOBE, Akihiro SHIMIZU and Sadao MASAMUNE
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2066 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Observation of Ion Cyclotron Emission Owing to DD Fusion Product H Ions in JT-60U
Shoichi SATO, Makoto ICHIMURA, Yuusuke YAMAGUCHI, Makoto KATANO, Yasutaka IMAI, Tatsuya MURAKAMI, Yuichiro MIYAKE, Takuro YOKOYAMA, Shinichi MORIYAMA, Takayuki KOBAYASHI, Atsushi KOJIMA, Koji SHINOHARA, Yoshiteru SAKAMOTO, Tsuguhiro WATANABE, Hitoshi HOJO and Tsuyoshi IMAI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2067 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Fokker-Planck Simulation of Multi-Species Heating in Tokamak Plasmas
Hideo NUGA and Atsushi FUKUYAMA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2068 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Electrostatic-Instabilities as a Source of Picosecond Termination of Runaway-Electrons Beam in High-Voltage Gas-Filled Ultra-Fast Diode
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2069 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Distortion of Bulk-Electron Distribution Function and Its Effect on Core Heating in Fast Ignition Plasmas
Hideaki MATSUURA, Yasuyuki NAKAO and Tomoyuki JOHZAKI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2070 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Generation of Fast Ions by Microclusters
Alexey AREFIEV, Boris BREIZMAN, Vladimir KHUDIK, Xiaohui GAO and Michael DOWNER
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2071 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Comparison of Hydrogen Adsorption on Diamond and Graphite Surfaces
Hiroaki NAKAMURA, Atsuhi M. ITO, Seiki SAITO, Yuichi TAMURA, Susumu FUJIWARA, Noriyasu OHNO and Shin KAJITA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2072 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Calculation of D/XB Values of Hydrocarbon Molecules in Tokamak Edge Plasmas
Hayato KAWAZOME, Kaoru OHYA, Kensuke INAI, Jun KAWATA, Kenji NISHIMURA and Tetsuro TANABE
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2073 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Investigation on Optimal Limiter Condition for Stable Sustainment of the Potential Confined Plasma in GAMMA 10
Katsuhiro HOSOI, Yousuke NAKASHIMA, Yuta HIGASHIZONO, Shinji KOBAYASHI, Hiroki OZAWA, Ryo YONENAGA, Takashi ISHII, Hisato TAKEDA, Yuusuke YAMAGUCHI, Makoto ICHIMURA and Tsuyoshi IMAI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2074 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Neutral Particles at the Boundary of Microwave Discharge Plasma in HYPER-I
Akira TSUSHIMA, Shinji YOSHIMURA and Yoshifumi SAITOU
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2075 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Incident Angle Dependence of Reactions between Graphene and Hydrogen Atom
Seiki SAITO, Atsushi M. ITO and Hiroaki NAKAMURA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2076 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Measurement of Blob-Like Structures in Plasma with a Langmuir Probe and Fast Camera on QUEST
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2077 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Properties of Intermittent Bursts in Edge Plasma of LHD
Hayato TSUCHIYA, Tomohiro MORISAKI, Viatcheslav P. BUDAEV, Akio KOMORI, Hiroshi YAMADA and LHD Experimental Group
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2078 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Development of Multi-Wavelength-Range High-Resolution Spectrometer for Hydrogen Atomic and Molecular Emission Lines
Keisuke FUJII, Taiichi SHIKAMA, Atsushi IWAMAE, Motoshi GOTO, Shigeru MORITA and Masahiro HASUO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2079 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

3D Isosurface Visualization of Electron Density and Temperature Distribution in a Magnetized Sheet Plasma Ion Source
Michelle Marie S. VILLAMAYOR, Jasmine A. MALINAO, Virginia R. NOGUERA and Henry J. RAMOS
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2080 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Full Wave Simulation of Lower Hybrid Waves in ITER Plasmas Based on the Finite Element Method
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2081 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Development of a Bright Polychromator for Thomson Scattering Measurements
Akira EJIRI, Takashi YAMAGUCHI, Junichi HIRATSUKA, Yuichi TAKASE, Makoto HASEGAWA and Kazumichi NARIHARA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2082 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Reconstruction of Vacuum Magnetic Flux in QUEST
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2083 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Evaluation of the Heating Effect in Neutral Beam Injection Experiments of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
Hiroki OZAWA, Yousuke NAKASHIMA, Ryou YONENAGA, Katsuhiro HOSOI, Takashi ISHII, Hisato TAKEDA, Kazuo OKAWA and Tsuyoshi IMAI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2084 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Comparisons of Electron Temperature and Density, and Ion Temperature Profiles in the TJ-II Stellarator
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2085 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Effect of Collisional Quenching on the Measurement of Ion Species Ratios in Neutral Beam Injectors
Bharathi PUNYAPU and Prahlad VATTIPALLE
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2086 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Production of Sub-MeV Positive Gold Ion Beams with Various Gas Targets to Improve the Tandem Accelerator of the LHD-HIBP
Akira TANIIKE, Takeshi IDO, Masaki NISHIURA, Akihiro SHIMIZU, Yuichi FURUYAMA and Akira KITAMURA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2087 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Charge-Exchanged Beam Measurement by Using a Grid-Biased Faraday Cup
Atsushi OKAMOTO, Takehiro ISONO, Tsuguhiro NISHIUCHI, Hiroyuki TAKAHASHI, Sumio KITAJIMA and Mamiko SASAO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2088 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Self-Reversal in Hydrogen Lyman-α Line Profile
Motoshi GOTO and Shigeru MORITA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2089 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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An Analysis of an ICRF Antenna with Controllable Toroidal Wavenumber in LHD
Hiroshi KASAHARA, Tetsuo SEKI, Kenji SAITO, Ryuhei KUMAZAWA, Takashi MUTOH, Fujio SHIMPO and Goro NOMURA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2090 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Numerical Analysis of Slow-Wave Instabilities in an X-Band Sinusoidally Corrugated Waveguide with Coaxial Slow-Wave Structure
Shingo ABE, Kazuo OGURA, Kosuke OTUBO and Hiroki KIMURA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2091 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Development of a Thomson Scattering System in the TST-2 Spherical Tokamak
Takashi YAMAGUCHI, Akira EJIRI, Junichi HIRATSUKA, Yuichi TAKASE, Yoshihiko NAGASHIMA, Osamu WATANABE, Takuya SAKAMOTO, Takuya OHSAKO, Byung Il AN, Hiroki KURASHINA, Hiroaki KOBAYASHI, Hiroyuki HAYASHI, Hazuki MATSUZAWA, Kotaro YAMADA, Hidetoshi KAKUDA, Kentaro HANASHIMA and Takuma WAKATSUKI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2092 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Experimental Study of Oversized Backward Wave Oscillator with Coaxial Slow-Wave Structure
Hiroyuki YOSHIMURA, Kazuo OGURA, Kiyoshi BANSHO, Hiroshi IIDUKA, Masatoh TAKAHASHI and Akira SUGAWARA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2093 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Preliminary Simulation Study of Doppler Reflectometry
Yuta ISHII, Hitoshi HOJO, Atsushi MASE, Masashi YOSHIKAWA, Makoto ICHIMURA, Yusuke HARAGUCHI and Tsuyoshi IMAI
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2094 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Upgrade of Imaging Bolometers on LHD
Byron J. PETERSON, Evgeny A. DRAPIKO, Dongcheol SEO and Naoko ASHIKAWA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2095 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Testing of a Prototype Lost α-Particle Diagnostic Utilizing an Imaging Bolometer
Evgeny A. DRAPIKO, Byron J. PETERSON, Andrey G. ALEKSEYEV, Mamiko SASAO and Atsushi OKAMOTO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2096 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Three-Dimensional Analysis of Beamlet Deflection in a MeV Accelerator for ITER NBI
Mieko KASHIWAGI, Masaki TANIGUCHI, Naotaka UMEDA, Takatoshi MIZUNO, Hiroyuki TOBARI, Masayuki DAIRAKU, Kazuhiro WATANABE and Takashi INOUE
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2097 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Calibration of Compact Electron Spectrometer for the FIREX-I Project in Gekko XII
Tetsuo OZAKI, Mayuko KOGA, Hiroyuki SHIRAGA, Ryuko KATO, Shigeru KASHIWAGI, Goro ISOYAMA, Hitoshi SAKAGAMI and FIREX GROUP
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2098 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Effect of Halo Neutrals on Fast-Ion Charge Exchange Spectroscopy Measurements in LHD
Takafumi ITO, Masaki OSAKABE, Katsumi IDA, Mikiro YOSHINUMA, Masahiko KOBAYASHI, Sadayoshi MURAKAMI, Motoshi GOTO, Yasuhiko TAKEIRI, Detlev REITER, Shoichi OKAMURA and LHD Experimental Group
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2099 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Merging Startup Experiments on the UTST Spherical Tokamak
Takuma YAMADA, Ryota IMAZAWA, Shuji KAMIO, Ryuma HIHARA, Keita ABE, Morio SAKUMURA, Qinghong CAO, Takuya OOSAKO, Hiroaki KOBAYASHI, Takuma WAKATSUKI, Byungil AN, Yoshihiko NAGASHIMA, Hajime SAKAKITA, Haruhisa KOGUCHI, Satoru KIYAMA, Yoichi HIRANO, Michiaki INOMOTO, Akira EJIRI, Yuichi TAKASE and Yasushi ONO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2100 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Study of the Antenna Loading Resistance of the LHD ICRF Antenna
Tetsuo SEKI, Takashi MUTOH, Ryuhei KUMAZAWA, Kenji SAITO, Hiroshi KASAHARA, Fujio SHIMPO and Goro NOMURA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2101 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Optical Measurement of Cesium Behavior in a Large H Ion Source for a Neutral Beam Injector
Katsunori IKEDA, Kenichi NAGAOKA, Yasuhiko TAKEIRI, Katsuyoshi TSUMORI, Masaki OSAKABE, Haruhisa NAKANO and Osamu KANEKO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2102 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Estimation of the Effective Collective Thomson Scattering Volume Using a Gaussian Beam in the LHD ECRH System
Shin KUBO, Masaki NISHIURA, Namiko TAMURA, Kenji TANAKA, Takashi SHIMOZUMA, Yoshinori TATEMATSU, Teruo SAITO, Yasuo YOSHIMURA, Hiroe IGAMI, Hiromi TAKAHASHI, Ryosuke IKEDA and Takashi MUTOH
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2103 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Electromagnetic Field Simulation for ICRF Antenna and Comparison with Experimental Results in LHD
Takashi MUTOH, Hiroshi KASAHARA, Tetsuo SEKI, Kenji SAITO, Ryuhei KUMAZAWA, Fujio SHIMPO and Goro NOMURA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2104 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Development of High-Power-Density Ion Beam System with High-Repetition Pulse Operation
Hajime SAKAKITA, Satoru KIYAMA, Haruhisa KOGUCHI, Yoichi HIRANO, Toshio SHIMADA, Masayuki TOKITANI, Naoaki YOSHIDA and Kazutoshi TOKUNAGA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2105 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Hydrogen Pair-Ion Production by Catalytic Ionization
Wataru OOHARA and Osamu FUKUMASA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2106 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Haptization of Molecular Dynamics Simulation with Thermal Display
Yuichi TAMURA, Susumu FUJIWARA and Hiroaki NAKAMURA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2107 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Application of Two Dimensional Extended Boundary Node Method to Potential Problem
Ayumu SAITOH, Taku ITOH, Atsushi KAMITANI, Nobuyuki MATSUI and Hiroaki NAKAMURA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2108 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Simulation Data Analysis by Virtual Reality System
Hiroaki OHTANI, Nobuaki OHNO, Naoki MIZUGUCHI, Mamoru SHOJI and Seiji ISHIGURO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2109 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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FDTD Simulated Observation of a Gold Nanorod by Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy
Keiji SAWADA, Hiroaki NAKAMURA, Teruto MARUOKA, Yuichi TAMURA, Kohei IMURA, Toshiharu SAIKI and Hiromi OKAMOTO
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2110 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

Regular Articles

Three Dimensional Extended Boundary Node Method to Potential Problem
Taku ITOH, Ayumu SAITOH, Atsushi KAMITANI and Hiroaki NAKAMURA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2111 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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High Performance Analysis of Shielding Current Density in High Temperature Superconducting Thin Film
Atsushi KAMITANI, Teruou TAKAYAMA and Hiroaki NAKAMURA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2112 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Numerical Simulation of Contactless Methods for Measuring jC Distribution of High Temperature Superconducting Thin Film
Teruou TAKAYAMA, Atsushi KAMITANI and Hiroaki NAKAMURA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2113 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Effect of Molecular Rigidity on Micelle Formation in Amphiphilic Solution
Susumu FUJIWARA, Takashi ITOH, Masato HASHIMOTO, Hiroaki NAKAMURA and Yuichi TAMURA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2114 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Numerical Investigations of Variable Preconditioned GCR with Mixed Precision on GPU
Soichiro IKUNO, Shuntaro DEKI and Norihisa FUJITA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2115 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Introduction of Adhesive Force to DEM Simulation and Application to Fracture of Fragile Powder Materials
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2116 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Irradiation Experiments on a Mouse Using a Mild-Plasma Generator for Medical Applications
Hajime SAKAKITA and Yuzuru IKEHARA
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2117 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>

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Summary of the 19th International Toki Conference - Advanced Physics in Plasma and Fusion Research
Kimitaka ITOH
Plasma Fusion Res. 5, S2118 (2010) <Published on 10 Dec. 2010>