Plasma and Fusion Research

Volume 14, 3401085 (2019)

Regular Articles

Characteristics of an ECR Sheet-Shaped Plasma Formed by a Combination of Permanent Magnets and Field Coils
Arnold Rey B. GINES and Motoi WADA
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Doshisha University, Kyotanabe, Kyoto 610-0394, Japan
(Received 10 January 2019 / Accepted 21 March 2019 / Published 16 May 2019)


An ECR sheet plasma device employing a 2.45 GHz microwave source and combination of permanent magnets and field coils is being developed. The combined field realized a linear magnetic field that sustained a rectilinear confinement of the plasma. The ECR condition effectively lowered the plasma ignition power to below 500 W and minimum plasma sustaining power to 94 W while also increasing the pressure range of low power ignition. Low ignition power is observed while plasma density is highest at 0.7 - 0.3 Pa pressure range. Stable plasma operation at input microwave power of up to 3 kW was achieved without overheating in the quartz window region with the aid of a gas feed mechanism on the quartz window.


magnetized plasma, electron cyclotron resonance, sheet-shaped plasma, argon plasma, microwave plasma

DOI: 10.1585/pfr.14.3401085


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