Plasma and Fusion Research

Volume 14, 1202135 (2019)

Rapid Communications

Application of Ion Sensitive Probe to High Density Plasmas in Magnum-PSI
Yuki HAYASHI, Noriyasu OHNO1), Hennie van der MEIDEN2), John SCHOLTEN2), Shin KAJITA3), Jonathan van den BERG2), Renato PERILLO2), Jordy VERNIMMEN2) and Thomas MORGAN2)
National Institute for Fusion Science, National Institutes of National Sciences, Toki 509-5292, Japan
Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan
DIFFER-Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan
(Received 2 May 2019 / Accepted 21 June 2019 / Published 24 July 2019)


Feasibility of an ion sensitive probe was evaluated in high electron density (> 5 × 1019 m−3) helium plasmas produced in the Magnum-PSI device. The ion sensitive probe showed that the ion temperature was ∼ 1 eV and almost equal to the electron temperature. Increasing the neutral pressure to efficiently lead to the electron-ion recombination processes, the electron currents were collected at the ion collector. A secondary electron emission in the guard electrode might have an effect on the ion current.


ion sensitive probe, ion temperature, I-V characteristic, Magnum-PSI

DOI: 10.1585/pfr.14.1202135


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