Plasma and Fusion Research

Volume 13, 3402063 (2018)

Regular Articles

Installation of New Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging in LHD
Hayato TSUCHIYA1), Daisuke KUWAHARA2), Tokihiko TOKUZAWA1), Yoshio NAGAYAMA3), Yuki TAKEMURA1,4) and LHD Experiment Group
National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki, Gifu 509-5292, Japan
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo 184-8588, Japan
Nihon University, Tokyo 101-8308, Japan
SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies), Toki 509-5292, Japan
(Received 28 December 2017 / Accepted 15 March 2018 / Published 12 June 2018)


A new electron cyclotron emission imaging antenna was designed and installed outside the torus on LHD. To improve the signal quality, we developed a local oscillator integrated antenna array (LIA), in which each channel has an internal local oscillation supply from a frequency-multiplier-integrated circuit. The labyrinth structure of the optical system comprises five mirrors to protect the LIA from plasma neutron emission. The initial results were obtained from the 2017 LHD experimental campaign. The MHD fluctuations and their fluctuation profiles were observed.


ECEI, LHD, multi horn antenna array, microwave optics

DOI: 10.1585/pfr.13.3402063


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