Plasma and Fusion Research

Volume 11, 2402042 (2016)

Regular Articles

Study of Heat and Particle Flux in the Case of Gas Injection in the D-Module of GAMMA 10/PDX
Md. Shahinul ISLAM, Yousuke NAKASHIMA, Hiroto MATSUURA1), Kazuya ICHIMURA, Md. Maidul ISLAM, Keita SHIMIZU, Kazuma FUKUI, Masato OHUCHI, Kunpei NOJIRI, Akihiro TERAKADO, Naomichi EZUMI, Mizuki SAKAMOTO and Tsuyoshi IMAI
Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577, Japan
Radiation Research Center, Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka 599-8531, Japan
(Received 30 November 2015 / Accepted 3 March 2016 / Published 22 April 2016)


This research investigated the radiation cooling mechanism and formation of detached plasma in the case of gas injection in the D-module of GAMMA 10/PDX. In GAMMA 10/PDX, divertor simulation experiments have been started by using a divertor simulation experimental module (D-module). A V-shaped target made of tungsten has been installed in this module. In order to understand the effect of impurity injection into divertor simulation experimental module, we injected H2 and Ar gases to the D-module and measured the heat flux and ion flux. According to the increase of gas injection, reduction of ion and heat fluxes have been observed. In the Ar injection experiments, H2 gas has been injected simultaneously to examine the effect of molecular process on detached plasma formation. In this case, both the heat flux and ion flux are drastically reduced. These results indicate radiation cooling and formation of detached plasma due to gas injection. Simultaneous injection of noble gas and hydrogen gas showed the most effective results on detached plasma generation.


GAMMA 10/PDX, D-module, Detached plasma, Heat flux, Ion saturation current (Ii-sat), Electron temperature (Te), Electron density (ne)

DOI: 10.1585/pfr.11.2402042


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