Plasma and Fusion Research

Volume 10, 1402009 (2015)

Regular Articles

Influence of Deuterium Retention on Secondary Electron Emission from Graphite under Deuterium Plasma Exposure
Tatsuya KANEKO, Noriyasu OHNO, Yuki NAKAMURA, Masato YAMAGIWA, Noriaki MATSUNAMI1), Shin KAJITA1) and Makoto TAKAGI
Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan
EcoTopia Science Institute, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan
(Received 2 September 2014 / Accepted 25 January 2015 / Published 19 March 2015)


The influence of deuterium retention on the electron-impact secondary electron emission (SEE) is studied in isotropic graphite (ETU-10). The ETU-10 surface sheath voltage and its deuterium retention under deuterium plasma exposure were measured simultaneously. Deuterium retention was estimated using in situ nuclear reaction analysis. While deuterium retention increased with decreasing graphite sample temperature, the sheath voltage on the sample surface decreased. The sheath potential variation is considered to be due to the SEE yield variation, which was estimated using the sheath voltage. The estimated SEE yield value increased by approximately 10% as the deuterium retention rose by a factor of two.


graphite, deuterium retention, secondary electron emission, ion beam analysis

DOI: 10.1585/pfr.10.1402009


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This paper may be cited as follows:

Tatsuya KANEKO, Noriyasu OHNO, Yuki NAKAMURA, Masato YAMAGIWA, Noriaki MATSUNAMI, Shin KAJITA and Makoto TAKAGI, Plasma Fusion Res. 10, 1402009 (2015).