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Plasma and Fusion Research

Volume 8, 2401149 (2013)

Regular Articles

Development of Parallelized AMR-PIC Plasma Simulation Code with Dynamic Domain Decomposition
Hideyuki USUI1,3), Yohei YAGI1,3), Masaharu MATSUMOTO1,3) and Masanori NUNAMI2,3)
Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University, Kobe 657-8501, Japan
National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki 509-5292 Japan
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) / CREST, Tokyo 102-0076, Japan
(Received 7 December 2012 / Accepted 22 August 2013 / Published 15 November 2013)


To maintain load balance among processes in parallel calculation, we introduced a dynamic load balancing technique called Dynamic Domain Decomposition (DDD) into our newly developed multi-scale Particle-In-Cell (PIC) simulation code in which Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) is incorporated. To evaluate the effectiveness of DDD, we performed test simulations with a model in which four particle clusters are non-uniformly distributed with different velocities. We confirmed that load imbalance among processes caused by non-uniform plasma distribution was successfully resolved by DDD and the computational time becomes almost half of that for simulation of the same model without using DDD.


Particle-In-Cell, parallel computing, dynamic load balance, plasma simulation

DOI: 10.1585/pfr.8.2401149


  • [1] C.K. Birdsall and A.B. Langdon, Plasma Physics via Computer Simulation reprinted (Taylor & Francis, New York, 2005).
  • [2] H. Usui et al., Procedia Computer Science 4, 2337 (2011).
  • [3] G.M. Morton, A computer Oriented Geodetic Data Base; and a New Technique in File Sequencing (IBM, Ottawa, 1966).

This paper may be cited as follows:

Hideyuki USUI, Yohei YAGI, Masaharu MATSUMOTO and Masanori NUNAMI, Plasma Fusion Res. 8, 2401149 (2013).