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Plasma and Fusion Research

Volume 2, S1045 (2007)

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Fulcher-α Band Spectra in Mixed Hydrogen Isotope Plasmas
Taiichi SHIKAMA, Shinichiro KADO1), Yousuke KUWAHARA, Kiminori KURIHARA, Filippo SCOTTI and Satoru TANAKA
School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
High Temperature Plasma Center, The University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8568, Japan
(Received 5 December 2006 / Accepted 2 April 2007 / Published 20 November 2007)


The Fulcher-α ro-vibronic band spectra in mixed hydrogen isotope plasmas were investigated. The spectra were measured in H2 and D2 mixed plasmas as well as calculated for D2 and T2 mixed plasmas. In both the measured and calculated spectra, several overlaps were observed. In order to avoid an error in the ro-vibrational temperature estimation, detailed assignment of the spectral line shapes are reguired. The coronal model combined with a fitting procedure which is not largely disturbed by the decrease in the number of available lines was adopted to evaluate the ro-vibrational temperatures. The estimated vibrational temperatures of H2, D2, and HD isotopes were not fully equilibrated, and may be explained by a combination of the electron-impact and Eley-Rideal surface recombination processes. The rotational temperatures, on the other hand, were basically in equilibrium, and suggest a correlation with the surface temperature.


spectroscopy, Fulcher-α, H2, D2, T2, HD, DT, Zeeman effect, glow discharge, hollow-cathode, plasma

DOI: 10.1585/pfr.2.S1045


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This paper may be cited as follows:

Taiichi SHIKAMA, Shinichiro KADO, Yousuke KUWAHARA, Kiminori KURIHARA, Filippo SCOTTI and Satoru TANAKA, Plasma Fusion Res. 2, S1045 (2007).