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Plasma and Fusion Research

Volume 2, S1014 (2007)

Regular Articles

Doppler Spectroscopy and Tomography of Plasmas
John HOWARD, Fenton GLASS1) and Clive MICHAEL2)
Plasma Research Laboratory, Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia
FOM-Institute for Plasma Physics, Rijnhuizen
National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki 509-5292, Japan
(Received 12 December 2006 / Accepted 11 April 2007 / Published 20 November 2007)


The interpretation of Doppler broadened spectral line shapes for extended radiating media, such as flames and discharges, is complicated by the spatial inhomogeneity of the source. In this paper, we consider the conditions under which the Doppler tomography problem is invertible. For media in drifting thermal equilibrium, it is found that the visibility of fringes produced by modulated or fixed-delay quadrature interferometers deliver the Radon transform of a quantity related to the inhomogeneous temperature distribution. In view of this, we introduce novel imaging polarization interferometers suitable for high spectral and temporal resolution plasma Doppler tomography. One such system has been used to obtain images of ion spectral-line brightness and temperature for low-field rf-heated argon discharges in the H-1NF heliac. Tomographic reconstructions for a number of different plasma régimes are presented.


spectroscopy, tomography, coherence, polarization interferometry

DOI: 10.1585/pfr.2.S1014


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This paper may be cited as follows:

John HOWARD, Fenton GLASS and Clive MICHAEL, Plasma Fusion Res. 2, S1014 (2007).