Plasma and Fusion Research
Volume 20, 2101008 (2025)
Review Articles
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- Physics Department, 380 Duncan Drive, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA
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- LULI - Sorbonne Université; CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, CEA: Université Paris-Saclay – F-75252 Paris cedex 05, France
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- Open and Transdisciplinary Research Initiatives, Osaka University, Osaka 565-0871, Japan
Broadening of hydrogenic spectral lines is an important tool in spectroscopic diagnostics of various laboratory and astrophysical plasmas. We review recent analytical advances in five areas. First, we review a new method for spectroscopic diagnostics of tokamak edge plasmas based on a peculiar Stark broadening of hydrogen or deuterium spectral lines emitted by the injected neutral beam. Second, we review the analytical solution for the magnetic-field-caused narrowing of hydrogenic spectral lines under a circularly polarized electromagnetic wave. Third, we review analytical results concerning the Stark-Zeeman broadening of the Lyman-alpha line in plasmas. Forth, we review the effect of helical trajectories of electrons in strongly magnetized plasmas on the width of hydrogen/deuterium spectral lines. Fifth, we review recent analytical advances in the area of the intra-Stark spectroscopy: three different new methods, based on the emergent phenomenon of the Langmuir-wave-caused structures (“L-dips”) in the line profiles, for measuring super-strong magnetic fields of the GigaGauss range developing during relativistic laser-plasma interactions. We also review the rich physics behind the L-dips phenomenon – because there was a confusion in the literature in this regard.
broadening of hydrogenic spectral lines in plasmas, strong magnetic field, intra-Stark spectroscopy, Langmuir-wave-caused structures, relativistic laser-plasma interactions, electron cyclotron waves
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