Plasma and Fusion Research

Volume 8, 2403009 (2013)

Regular Articles

Integrated Modeling of Tokamak Experiments with OMFIT
Orso MENEGHINI and Lang LAO1)
Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
General Atomics, San Diego, California, USA
(Received 8 December 2012 / Accepted 11 January 2013 / Published 23 April 2013)


One Modeling Framework for Integrated Tasks (OMFIT) is a framework that allows data to be easily exchanged among different codes by providing a unifying data structure. The main idea at the base of OMFIT is to treat files, data and scripts as a uniform collection of objects organized into a tree structure, which provides a consistent way to access and manipulate such collection of heterogeneous objects, independent of their origin. Within the OMFIT tree, data can be copied/referred from one node to another and tasks can call each other allowing for complex compound task to be built. A top-level Graphical User Interface (GUI) allowing users to manage tree objects, carry out simulations and analyze the data either interactively or in batch. OMFIT supports many scientific data formats and when a file is loaded into the framework, its data populates the tree structure, automatically endowing it with many potential uses. Furthermore, seamless integration with experimental management systems allows direct manipulation of their data. In OMFIT modeling tasks are organized into modules, which can be easily combined to create arbitrarily-large multi-physics simulations. Modules inter-dependencies are seamlessly defined by variables referencing tree locations among them. Creation of new modules and customization of existing ones is encouraged by graphical tools for their management and an online repository. High level Application Programmer Interfaces (APIs) enable users to execute their codes on remote servers and creation application-specific GUIs. Finally, within OMFIT it is possible to visualize experimental and modeling data for both quick analysis and publication purposes. Examples of application to the DIII-D tokamak are presented.


simulation, plasma, transport, workflow

DOI: 10.1585/pfr.8.2403009


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This paper may be cited as follows:

Orso MENEGHINI and Lang LAO, Plasma Fusion Res. 8, 2403009 (2013).