Plasma and Fusion Research
Volume 7, 2403131 (2012)
Regular Articles
- Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 801-1 Mukoyama, Naka, Ibaraki 311-0193, Japan
JT-60SA will be operated in several operational domains to pursue its objectives, to support researches on ITER and develop physics and engineering basis towards DEMO reactor. Evolution and tailoring of the current profile, or the safety factor (q) profile in other words, is important in preparation for plasmas expected in the operational domains. Especially in the high normalized pressure (βN) domain, tailoring of the q profile is indispensable to achieve high performance. In this paper, evolution of the q profile during the current ramp-up in a candidate plasma for a steady-state high βN and modification of the q profile by means of ECRF are examined by modeling simulation. Impact of the target q profile modification on the energy confinement is also discussed.
JT-60SA, steady-state, high βN, current profile optimization, ECRF, TOPICS, CDBM
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This paper may be cited as follows:
Shunsuke IDE, Nobuhiko HAYASHI, Mitsuru HONDA, Hajime URANO, Takahiro SUZUKI, Yoshiaki MIYATA, Nobuyuki AIBA, Junya SHIRAISHI, Gen-ichi KURITA and Takaaki FUJITA, Plasma Fusion Res. 7, 2403131 (2012).