The Japan Society of Plasma Science
and Nuclear Fusion Research
3-1-1-4F, Uchiyama, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-0075, Japan
Phone: 81-52-735-3185   Fax: 81-52-735-3485

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JPFR Series



The JSPF Award for Excellence in Research Publication
is to honor the best of the recent outstanding research works appeared in the Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research or the Plasma and Fusion Research in principle for past three years.

The JSPF Award for Notable Contribution to Technology
is to new remarkable technical results reported in journals published by the JSPF or meetings held by the JSPF in principle for past three years.

The JSPF Award for Excellent Technology in Industries
is to technical results achieved in the process of experiment, designing and production in industries, which contributed to the progress of plasma engineering. and controlled fusion. The results should be reported in journals published by the JSPF or meetings held by the JSPF in principle for past three years.

The JSPF Award for Early Career Research Contributions
is for promising young researches, who have presented original ideas or results, reported in journals published by the JSPF or meetings held by the JSPF in principle for past three years.

The JSPF Award for Notable Contribution to our Community
is to honor individuals or groups for their contribution to enhance an effective and efficient operation of this society, and to promote the knowledge and technology about plasma and nuclear fusion.

The Best Presentation Award at the Joint Conference on Fusion Energy
is given to the most excellent presentations by young scientists. Winners are announced by the selection committee during the conference.