The Japan Society of Plasma Science
and Nuclear Fusion Research
3-1-1-4F, Uchiyama, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-0075, Japan
Phone: 81-52-735-3185   Fax: 81-52-735-3485

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About JSPF

The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research (JSPF) is a non-profit organization established in 1983. The precursor of JSPF is the voluntary organization called "Kakuyugo-Kondankai" in Japanese, which was founded in 1958 in response to the proposal of Professor Hideki YUKAWA, a Nobel Prize winner in physics, gathering plasma science and nuclear fusion researchers in Japan. Its purpose was to promote the nuclear fusion research in Japan.

Today, the JSPF has a membership of over 1500. The JSPF organizes annual meeting every year in autumn. More than 500 participants present and discuss their study results on their research fields of basic plasma physics, plasma applications, nuclear fusion, fusion engineering, and others. The JSPF also have co-hosted major international conferences held in Japan.

The JSPF publishes three journals, an electronic journal, the Plasma and Fusion Research, a Japanese monthly journal, the Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research, and the Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research Series for conference proceedings.

The JSPF strives to support its members' activities and to promote plasma science and nuclear fusion research in Japan.