Plasma and Fusion Research
Volume 20, 2401001 (2025)
Regular Articles
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- Aix-Marseille Univ. and CNRS, PIIM, 13397 Marseille, France
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- University of Batna 1, PRIMALAB, Department of Physics, Batna, Algeria
Different forms of the Stark effect can affect the emission of line shapes in a plasma. Alongside the fluctuating microfield created by plasma ions and electrons, one often observes the fingerprints of oscillating electric fields. All these dynamic Stark effects result from random and collective motion of the particles but also from oscillating fields applied from outside the plasma by radiofrequency or laser sources. We here use a computer simulation to accurately capture the complex dynamics affecting the emission of a hydrogen atom in a laboratory or fusion plasma.
Stark broadening-periodic electric field-numerical simulation-Zeeman effect-polarization
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