Plasma and Fusion Research
Volume 19, 1205007 (2024)
Rapid Communications
- National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology, Rokkasho, Aomori 039-3212, Japan
The water-cooled ceramic breeder system is the leading choice for research and development in Japan's ITER and DEMO blankets. This type of blanket uses reduced activation ferritic/martensitic (RAFM) steel as structural material in the flow of the high-temperature and high-pressure water as coolant. There is however insufficient information regarding corrosion under fusion reactor operating conditions despite previous water chemistry and environmental strength evaluations. In particular, there are no specific studies of the effects of strong magnetic fields on corrosion behavior. Therefore, it is of great engineering importance to clarify the influence of magnetic fields on the corrosion of RAFM since the RAFM itself shows inherent ferromagnetic characteristics. In this study, we investigated whether a magnetic field affects the corrosion of Japanese RAFM steel, i.e., F82H, in high-temperature and high-pressure water. The results showed that 1.3 T of the magnetic field made no difference in the thickness of the inner oxide, but a difference in the size of the oxide particles on the surface.
reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel, high-temperature water corrosion, magnetic field, activated corrosion product, in-vessel component
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