Plasma and Fusion Research
Volume 15, 1401035 (2020)
Regular Articles
- Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577, Japan
We developed a multi-channel Hα array system to measure two-dimensional (2D) radial profiles of Hα emissivity in the central cell of the tandem mirror GAMMA 10/PDX. It consists of a 2D optical collection system, which contains twelve channels of lenses, Hα filters, and bundled optical fibers in vertical and horizontal directions. To study Hα emission behavior and its fluctuation in the hot-ion mode plasma experiments with additional plasma heating application, we used the modified Phillips-Tikhonov tomography method. After applying the fast Fourier transform analysis to the 2D Hα emissivity profiles, we could successfully obtain the 2D fluctuation images for the first time. These results are useful for the detailed study of fluctuations in magnetically confined plasma.
Hα measurement, Phillips-Tikhonov method, tomography, tandem mirror GAMMA 10/PDX
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