Plasma and Fusion Research

Volume 7 Special Issue 1(2012)

Papers from the 21st International Toki Conference
on Integration of Fusion Science and Technology for Steady State Operation


Summary of the 21st Toki Conference on Integration of Fusion Science and Technology for Steady State Operation
Cabinet of the French High Commissioner for Atomic Energy, CEA, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
(Received 24 February 2012)


This summary is based on 240 papers presented at the 21st Toki conference held on November 28th to December 1st 2011. It registered a record level of attendance and dealt with a wide range of fusion science and technology aspects for steady state operation which constitutes the greatest challenge on the way to the production of fusion energy on an industrial scale. Prominent aspects reported include the physics scenarios for SSO (Steady State Operation) which has to integrate in a coherent way challenging technologies. These include the technology of materials for structural and first wall components, superconductors for magnetic confinement, plasma heating systems. A considerable effort is being made to integrate the knowledge acquired in these fields into large experiments. The construction and operation of a new generation of fusion machines based on superconducting magnets has made good progress and long pulses operation demonstrate the progress made on SSO in an integrated way. They now reach the GJ level in extracted energy at plasma parameters significantly more relevant than previously. However, the ITER goal of 500 GJ is still far away and in view of the distance to travel, the level of activity in this area of research is expected to grow considerably in the years to come. The projection of present day knowledge to a DEMO fusion reactor is now being addressed by newly formed research groups.