Plasma and Fusion Research

Volume 7, 2405097 (2012)

Regular Articles

Removal of Deuterium in Lithium Titanate by Sweep Gas Exposure
Akihito TSUCHIYA, Tomoaki HINO, Yuji YAMAUCHI, Yuji NOBUTA, Masato AKIBA1) and Mikio ENOEDA1)
Laboratory of Plasma Physics and Engineering, Hokkaido University, Kita-13, Nishi-8, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-8628, Japan
Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 801-1 Mukoyama, Naka 311-0193, Japan
(Received 9 December 2011 / Accepted 27 April 2012 / Published 26 July 2012)


Lithium titanate, Li2TiO3, was irradiated with deuterium ions with energy of 1.7 keV and then exposed to helium or helium-hydrogen mixed gas at different temperature, in order to evaluate the effect of exposure gas on removing deuterium from the pebbles. The amount of residual deuterium in the irradiated pebbles after the gas exposure was measured by thermal desorption spectroscopy. The mixing of hydrogen gas into helium gas enhanced the removal amount of deuterium. In other words, the amount of residual deuterium after the helium-hydrogen mixed gas exposure at low temperature was lower than that after the helium gas exposure. The ion irradiation followed by heating for the pebbles was repeated, and the residual amount of deuterium was measured. The residual amount increased with the number of irradiation/heating cycles. The result suggests that the tritium inventory in the blanket in a fusion reactor changes after the operation.


lithium titanate, deuterium ion irradiation, sweep gas, blanket, tritium inventory

DOI: 10.1585/pfr.7.2405097


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This paper may be cited as follows:

Akihito TSUCHIYA, Tomoaki HINO, Yuji YAMAUCHI, Yuji NOBUTA, Masato AKIBA and Mikio ENOEDA, Plasma Fusion Res. 7, 2405097 (2012).