Plasma and Fusion Research

Volume 7, 2405053 (2012)

Regular Articles

Plasma Diagnostics Required for a Heliotron-Type DEMO Reactor
Mitsutaka ISOBE1,2), Tsuyoshi AKIYAMA1), Tokihiko TOKUZAWA1), Teruya TANAKA1,2), Daiji KATO1), Hiroyuki A. SAKAUE1), Takuya GOTO1), Junichi MIYAZAWA1,2), Akio SAGARA1,2) and the FFHR Design Group1)
National Institute for Fusion Science, 322-6 Oroshi-cho, Toki 509-5292, Japan
Department of Fusion Science, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, 322-6 Oroshi-cho, Toki 509-5292, Japan
(Received 8 December 2011 / Accepted 15 March 2012 / Published 07 June 2012)


The plasma diagnostics required for a heliotron-type DEMO reactor are discussed in terms of real-time burn control and safe operation of the machine. The minimum diagnostic set having the smallest footprint are essential in DEMO. Neutron transport calculation suggests that the diagnostic components used in existing experiments will deteriorate immediately in a DEMO reactor hall if they are not protected by a neutron shield. Neutron energy spectrometry is a promising diagnostic that is expected to play an important role in diagnosing DEMO plasmas, providing a fusion energy output, fuel ion temperature, ratio of deuteron density nD to triton density nT, and velocity distribution of confined α particles.


DEMO, plasma diagnostics, neutron energy spectrometry

DOI: 10.1585/pfr.7.2405053


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This paper may be cited as follows:

Mitsutaka ISOBE, Tsuyoshi AKIYAMA, Tokihiko TOKUZAWA, Teruya TANAKA, Daiji KATO, Hiroyuki A. SAKAUE, Takuya GOTO, Junichi MIYAZAWA, Akio SAGARA and the FFHR Design Group, Plasma Fusion Res. 7, 2405053 (2012).