Plasma and Fusion Research

Volume 6, 2402047 (2011)

Regular Articles

Measurement of Spatiotemporal Behavior of Alfvén-Ion-Cyclotron Waves in the GAMMA10 Tandem Mirror
Ryuya IKEZOE, Makoto ICHIMURA, Tatsunori SATO, Yasutaka IMAI, Tatsuya MURAKAMI, Toru IWAI, Yumeto UGAJIN, Takuro YOKOYAMA, Yoriko SHIMA, Masayuki YOSHIKAWA and Tsuyoshi IMAI
Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba 305-8577, Japan
(Received 7 December 2010 / Accepted 15 April 2011 / Published 1 July 2011)


Spatiotemporal behavior of Alfvén-ion-cyclotron (AIC) waves excited in GAMMA10 is investigated using a microwave reflectometer and magnetic probes located at the edge. The frequency spectrum of the AIC waves has several discrete peaks. Simultaneous measurement of the internal density fluctuation and edge magnetic fluctuation of AIC waves shows that AIC waves have different radial structures in the initial excitation phase, but in the later steady state, each of them has the same structure in the radial direction. The results indicate that several AIC waves are excited as the same eigenmode in the radial direction.


Alfvén-ion-cyclotron, electromagnetic wave, temperature anisotropy, reflectometer, mirror field, GAMMA10

DOI: 10.1585/pfr.6.2402047


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This paper may be cited as follows:

Ryuya IKEZOE, Makoto ICHIMURA, Tatsunori SATO, Yasutaka IMAI, Tatsuya MURAKAMI, Toru IWAI, Yumeto UGAJIN, Takuro YOKOYAMA, Yoriko SHIMA, Masayuki YOSHIKAWA and Tsuyoshi IMAI, Plasma Fusion Res. 6, 2402047 (2011).