Plasma and Fusion Research

Volume 6, 2401092 (2011)

Regular Articles

Effectiveness of GPGPU for Solving the Magnetohydrodynamics Equations Using the CIP-MOCCT Method
Ryosuke UEDA, Yutaka MATSUMOTO, Masafumi ITAGAKI and Shun-ichi OIKAWA
Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-8628, Japan
(Received 5 January 2011 / Accepted 22 April 2011 / Published 12 July 2011)


A simple parallelization approach using General Purpose computation on Graphics Processing Unit was applied for solving the MHD equations using the CIP-MOCCT method. We investigated the efficiency of this parallelization approach and found that the computational speed of the modified code is significantly improved despite the simple modification.


MHD simulation, CIP method, MOCCT method, GPGPU, parallel computing

DOI: 10.1585/pfr.6.2401092


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This paper may be cited as follows:

Ryosuke UEDA, Yutaka MATSUMOTO, Masafumi ITAGAKI and Shun-ichi OIKAWA, Plasma Fusion Res. 6, 2401092 (2011).