Plasma and Fusion Research
Volume 6, 2401022 (2011)
Regular Articles
- Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan
In recent years, there has been a growing awareness that large scale simulation plays an important role in various science fields. To assist such simulation studies in which many collaborators working at geographically different places participate, we developed a unique remote collaboration system, referred to as SIMON (SImulation MONitoring) [A. Sugahara and Y. Kishimoto: J. Plasma Fusion Res. 84, 51 (2008)]. This system is based on the client-server model, where the simulation (client) running on a supercomputer controls an external workstation (server) by sending various requests such as data transfer, analysis, visualization, updating website, etc. via network. Here, in order to increase the reliability of the network connection, we apply a method which establishes the login-shell of SSH automatically, and that ciphers the password by utilizing plural encodes. Furthermore, in order to provide an efficient environment for data analyses on the website, we introduced a method that stratifies the capability of visualization. By applying the system to a specific simulation project of laser-matter interaction, we confirmed that the system works well as a collaboration platform on which many collaborators work with each other.
remote collaboration, client-server model, simulation monitoring, update processing, trigger method, network security, hierarchical visualization
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This paper may be cited as follows:
Akihiro SUGAHARA and Yasuaki KISHIMOTO, Plasma Fusion Res. 6, 2401022 (2011).