Plasma and Fusion Research
Volume 4, 031 (2009)
Review Articles
- Institute for Dynamics of Geospheres RAS, Leninsky pr. 38, bld. 1, Moscow 119334, Russia
Review of dusty plasma phenomena in application to geophysical problems is presented. Possible observational manifestations of dusty ionospheric plasmas during high-speed meteor showers are described. A unified explanation of ionization properties of the polar mesosphere under summer conditions is given. Dusty plasma processes are also considered in application to active geophysical rocket experiments which involve release of some gaseous substance in near-Earth space, the origin of the primary Earth's crust, hydrosphere, and atmosphere, and global electromagnetic Schumann resonances.
dusty ionosphere, polar mesosphere, dust acoustic wave, Schumann resonance, active geophysical experiment
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This paper may be cited as follows:
Sergey I. POPEL, Plasma Fusion Res. 4, 031 (2009).