Plasma and Fusion Research
Volume 4, 006 (2009)
- Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Ibaraki 311-0193, Japan
Details of the first repetitive operation of a 170 GHz long pulse gyrotron with quasi-CW (400 s pulse width) and high power are presented. The interval between pulses was 30 minutes, which matches the ITER operation scenario. The repetitive operation continued for 5 hours without problems and terminated as planned. The pressure inside the gyrotron returned to the original level after 20 minutes. This was the first operation for the high power gyrotron system applicable to ITER.
gyrotron, ITER, ECH/ECCD, high power operation, long pulse operation
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This paper may be cited as follows:
Ken KAJIWARA, Atsushi KASUGAI, Yasuhisa ODA, Koji TAKAHASHI, Noriyuki KOBAYASHI and Keishi SAKAMOTO, Plasma Fusion Res. 4, 006 (2009).