Plasma and Fusion Research

Volume 1, 053 (2006)


Electron Bernstein Wave Heating through Slow X-B Mode Conversion in CHS
Yasuo YOSHIMURA, Kazunobu NAGASAKI1), Tsuyoshi AKIYAMA, Mitsutaka ISOBE, Akihiro SHIMIZU, Chihiro SUZUKI, Chihiro TAKAHASHI, Kenichi NAGAOKA, Shin NISHIMURA, Takashi MINAMI, Keisuke MATSUOKA, Shoichi OKAMURA, CHS group, Shin KUBO, Takashi SHIMOZUMA, Hiroe IGAMI, Takashi NOTAKE and Takashi MUTOH
National Institute for Fusion Science
Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University
(Received 7 August 2006 / Accepted 27 September 2006 / Published 30 October 2006)


Evident increases in plasma stored energy have been observed in the Compact Helical System (CHS) by injecting nearly X-mode-polarized 54.5 GHz electron cyclotron (EC) waves from the high-field side. An additional plane mirror that enabled the high-field side injection of the EC waves was installed. The centrally peaked and increased electron temperature distributions with the X-mode wave directions which are not aimed at the fundamental resonance layer at the plasma core region strongly suggest that the heating effects occurred due to the excitation of the electron Bernstein waves via mode conversion from the X-mode waves injected from the high-field side.


electron cyclotron heating, electron Bernstein waves, mode conversion, high-field side injection

DOI: 10.1585/pfr.1.053


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This paper may be cited as follows:

Yasuo YOSHIMURA, Kazunobu NAGASAKI, Tsuyoshi AKIYAMA, Mitsutaka ISOBE, Akihiro SHIMIZU, Chihiro SUZUKI, Chihiro TAKAHASHI, Kenichi NAGAOKA, Shin NISHIMURA, Takashi MINAMI, Keisuke MATSUOKA, Shoichi OKAMURA, CHS group, Shin KUBO, Takashi SHIMOZUMA, Hiroe IGAMI, Takashi NOTAKE and Takashi MUTOH, Plasma Fusion Res. 1, 053 (2006).