Plasma and Fusion Research

Volume 1, 046 (2006)

Regular Articles

Transient Response of Divertor Plasma During Transition to ELM Free H-Mode Phase in JT-60U
Hidenobu TAKENAGA, Naoyuki OYAMA and Nobuyuki ASAKURA
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
(Received 5 July 2006 / Accepted 15 August 2006 / Published 4 October 2006)


A drop in divertor plasma density was observed during the transition to the ELM free H-mode phase as well as the drop in Dα emission intensity in JT-60U. The time scale for the drop in divertor plasma density ranged from a few ms to several tens of ms. 2-D fluid divertor code simulations indicated that the time scale for the divertor plasma density drop was ranged from several tens of ms to a hundred ms, when thermal and particle diffusivities were instantly reduced in the main plasma edge with a constant recycling coefficient. When it was assumed that the recycling coefficient decreased with a decrease in heat flux and increased with a decrease in particle flux, the time scale was reduced to a few ms in the simulations accompanied by a reduction of edge thermal diffusivity. These results indicate that the sharp drop of the divertor plasma density concomitant with the sharp drop of the Dα emission intensity on a time scale of a few ms can be ascribed to the change of plasma-wall interaction depending on the heat flux to the divertor plates.


H-mode transition, divertor plasma density, Dα emission, divertor simulation, recycling coefficient, JT-60U

DOI: 10.1585/pfr.1.046


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This paper may be cited as follows:

Hidenobu TAKENAGA, Naoyuki OYAMA and Nobuyuki ASAKURA, Plasma Fusion Res. 1, 046 (2006).