Plasma and Fusion Research

Volume 1, 043 (2006)

Rapid Communications

Self-Similarly Evolving and Minimally Dissipated Stable States of Plasmas Realized after Relaxation and Self-Organization Processes
Yoshiomi KONDOH, Toru HAKOIWA, Akihito OKADA, Naohiro KOBAYASHI and Toshiki TAKAHASHI
Department of Electronic Engineering, Gunma University
(Received 8 June 2006 / Accepted 31 August 2006 / Published 28 September 2006)


A novel set of simultaneous eigenvalue equations having dissipative terms are derived to find self-similarly evolving and minimally dissipated stable states of plasmas realized after relaxation and self-organization processes. By numerically solving the set of eigenvalue equations in a cylindrical model, typical spatial profiles of plasma parameters, electric and magnetic fields and diffusion factors are presented, all of which determine self-consistently with each other by physical laws and mutual relations among them, just as in experimental plasmas.


self-organization, self-similarly evolving state, minimally dissipative state, shear flow

DOI: 10.1585/pfr.1.043


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This paper may be cited as follows:

Yoshiomi KONDOH, Toru HAKOIWA, Akihito OKADA, Naohiro KOBAYASHI and Toshiki TAKAHASHI, Plasma Fusion Res. 1, 043 (2006).