Plasma and Fusion Research

Volume 1, 040 (2006)

Rapid Communications

Reconstruction of Edge Density Profiles Using Ultrashort-Pulse Reflectometry in LHD
Yuya YOKOTA, Atsushi MASE , Yuichiro KOGI, Tokihiko TOKUZAWA1) and Kazuo KAWAHATA1)
Art, Science and Technology Center for Cooperative Research, Kyushu University
National Institute for Fusion Science
(Received 17 June 2006 / Accepted 2 August 2006 / Published 11 September 2006)


An ultrashort-pulse reflectometer (USPR) has been applied to the measurement of the edge density profile of the Large Helical Device at the National Institute for Fusion Science. The reflectometer signal is recorded directly using a high-speed digitizing scope, and is analyzed by means of a signal record analysis method to reconstruct the density profiles. This method has the advantage of using raw signal records instead of poorly localized frequency modes. The density profiles in the edge region are successfully determined and compared with those obtained by an FIR laser interferometer.


plasma diagnostics, reflectometry, microwave, plasma density, LHD

DOI: 10.1585/pfr.1.040


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This paper may be cited as follows:

Yuya YOKOTA, Atsushi MASE , Yuichiro KOGI, Tokihiko TOKUZAWA and Kazuo KAWAHATA, Plasma Fusion Res. 1, 040 (2006).