Plasma and Fusion Research

Volume 1, 035 (2006)

Rapid Communications

First Observation of Plasma Motion in GAMMA 10 Using a Fast Camera
Nobuhiro NISHINO, Yousuke NAKASHIMA1), Yuta HIGASHIZONO1), Shinji KOBAYASHI2), Khairul Md. ISLAM1), Yuusuke KUBOTA1), Masayuki YOSHIKAWA1), Yoshiyuki MISHIMA1) and Teruji CHO1)
Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University
Plasma Research Center, University of Tsukuba
Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University
(Received 25 April 2006 / Accepted 12 May 2006 / Published 25 July 2006)


Visible imaging measurement using a fast camera in conjunction with a gas puff was demonstrated in the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror. In order to image plasma behavior on the periphery, a hydrogen gas puff in the bottom of the vacuum chamber near the GAMMA 10 central-cell was used. Without the gas puff the light emission was not sufficiently bright, and SN ratio is not good. By using the gas puff, the light emission could be clearly observed, and a 5 - 6 kHz vibration of the plasma column was confirmed. This motion is most likely plasma rotation due to the electron drift wave and Er × B drift. These results show that the fast camera used in conjunction with a gas puff is a promising candidate for the measurement of peripheral plasma behavior even in low-density mirror plasmas.


gas puff imaging, plasma rotation, turbulence, mirror plasma, GAMMA 10

DOI: 10.1585/pfr.1.035


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This paper may be cited as follows:

Nobuhiro NISHINO, Yousuke NAKASHIMA, Yuta HIGASHIZONO, Shinji KOBAYASHI, Khairul Md. ISLAM, Yuusuke KUBOTA, Masayuki YOSHIKAWA, Yoshiyuki MISHIMA and Teruji CHO, Plasma Fusion Res. 1, 035 (2006).