Plasma and Fusion Research
Volume 1, 017 (2006)
Regular Articles
- Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University
- 1)
- Deptartment of Energy Science and Technology, Kyoto University
- 2)
- National Institute for Fusion Science
The subcooled flow boiling critical heat fluxes (CHFs) and the heat transfer coefficients (HTCs) data for the tube length, L, of 49, 99 and 149 mm with 9-mm inner diameter were applied to thermal analysis on the Mono-block type divertor of LHD. Incident CHFs for the divertor with the cooling tube diameter, d, of 10 mm and the carbon armor outer diameter, D, of 26 and 33 mm were numerically analyzed based on the measured CHFs and HTCs at the inlet pressure of around 800 kPa. The numerical solutions were also compared with those for the Flat-plate type divertor, which were numerically analyzed for the divertor with the cooling tube diameter d=10 mm and the divertor width, w, ranging from 16 to 30 mm. It is confirmed that the ratio of the one-side heating CHF data, qcr,inc, to the uniform heating CHF data, qcr,sub, can be represented as the simple equation based on the numerical solutions. The values of the qcr,inc for L=50, 100 and 150 mm were estimated with various D/d and w/d at higher pressures.
subcooled flow boiling critical heat flux, incident critical heat flux, mono-block type divertor, numerical solution
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This paper may be cited as follows:
Koichi HATA, Masahiro SHIOTSU and Nobuaki NODA, Plasma Fusion Res. 1, 017 (2006).