Plasma and Fusion Research

Volume 1, 007 (2006)

Regular Articles

Orbit Following Calculation of Energetic Ions in the Design of Ferritic Insertion in the JT-60U
Kouji SHINOHARA, Yutaka SUZUKI, Shinji SAKURAI, Kei MASAKI, Takaaki FUJITA and Yukitoshi MIURA
Fusion Research and Development Directorate, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
(Received 28 November 2005 / Accepted 12 January 2006 / Published 16 February 2006)


The design process regarding ferritic insertion in the JT-60U is described from the viewpoint of the behavior of energetic ions. The confinement of energetic ions and the absence of unfavorable heat flux on the first wall were assessed using the Fully Three-Dimensional magnetic field OFMC code, which was developed for the toroidal field ripple reduction experiment program utilizing ferritic inserts in the JFT-2M. In the final design, the absorbed power in the neutral beam injection is improved by a factor of about 1.3 in a large volume plasma with Bt0 = 1.9 T.


JT-60U, tokamak, ferritic steel, ripple reduction, F3D OFMC, high energetic ion, JFT-2M

DOI: 10.1585/pfr.1.007


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This paper may be cited as follows:

Kouji SHINOHARA, Yutaka SUZUKI, Shinji SAKURAI, Kei MASAKI, Takaaki FUJITA and Yukitoshi MIURA, Plasma Fusion Res. 1, 007 (2006).