▼11月 23 日(火)8:10-8:50 特別報告
「米国国立点火研究所(NIF)の 最新の実験結果と米国IFE政策へのインパクト」
講演者:Tammy Ma (Program Element Leader of NIF & Photon Science, LLNL)

Progress at the National Ignition Facility, and the path toward Inertial Fusion Energy in the US

The National Ignition Facility (NIF) at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the US is the world’s largest, most energetic laser, capable of achieving conditions hotter and denser than those found at the center of the sun. An inertial confinement fusion experiment on the NIF recently demonstrated propagating burn and achieved a breakthrough with a fusion yield of 1.35 Megajoules. This result places NIF on the threshold of fusion ignition for the first time ever, and lays the groundwork for a safe, carbon-free, secure energy future through inertial fusion energy (IFE). We will review the progress in the science and technology to enable high-yield inertial fusion, and developments in laser architectures, high-repetition-rate experiments, and cognitive simulation that together advance toward laser-driven IFE. Finally, we will provide an update on the IFE activities in the U.S.


Meeting ID: 979 5649 4505
Passcode: 533966